This report presents a work health safety assessment, addressing hazards associated with tasks like making beds, patient mobility, and challenging patient behaviors within a healthcare setting. It identifies potential harms such as strains, falls, and psychological effects. The assessment evaluates existing risk controls, current risk ratings, and proposes additional controls to mitigate risks. The report utilizes a risk matrix to determine risk levels and suggests measures like staff training, equipment usage, and improved communication strategies to minimize harm and ensure a safer working environment. It also addresses the ethical elements relevant to environmental health protections and policies, from global to local scales. The analysis considers how global health issues and the social, economic, and political determinants of health influence disease, including identification of vulnerable groups. The report aims to provide an understanding of sustainable development and critically analyzes the relationships between environmental risk factors and social, economic and political determinants of illness and injury. The report also applies skills in conducting an environmental health assessment and designing an intervention to mitigate environmental health risks.