This assignment presents a communication plan developed for Pure Gym, specifically focusing on the launch of their youth gyms. The report outlines the application of the promotional mix, including advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion, to effectively reach the target audience of youths in the United Kingdom. It details the selection of advertising channels, such as popular TV channels, newspapers, and social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, along with sales promotion strategies like discount coupons, member loyalty cards, and online promotions. The report also identifies the target audience's needs, such as specialized equipment and tailored workout plans, and describes the key communication messages, including free training days and contests. Furthermore, it explains the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) to attract and convert potential members, and discusses feedback collection methods. In conclusion, the report emphasizes the comprehensive approach Pure Gym employed in formulating its communication plan to successfully target the younger generation.