This journal entry reflects on the student's aspirations to become a bank analyst, utilizing self-assessment tools like the Gallup Strength Finder to identify key behavioral attributes such as responsibility, relator, deliberative, consistency, and command. The entry critically analyzes two employability skill theories: the Gallup Strength Theory, which emphasizes the importance of understanding individual strengths for effective organizational placement; and the Johari Window theory, which aids in understanding interpersonal relationships and self-awareness. The student discusses how these theories have provided insights into their strengths, areas for development, and career goals, while also acknowledging the limitations of each theory. The journal concludes by summarizing the key strengths identified and how they align with the student's career aspirations, highlighting the value of self-reflection and continuous skill development in achieving their professional objectives, and the use of Johari Window to understand aspects of self for career development. References are provided at the end.