This report analyzes a nursing student's reflective journal, focusing on experiences in a geriatric ward and ethical dilemmas encountered during clinical practice. The student utilizes Rolfe's reflective cycle to examine two key themes: the management of a patient with dementia and communication with patients. The analysis highlights instances where the student's actions, such as removing restraints from a patient with dementia, led to unintended consequences. The report also addresses issues of communication, including obtaining patient consent and adhering to professional etiquette. Furthermore, the report examines the importance of honesty in nursing, particularly in a case involving a patient with lactose intolerance. The student reflects on the challenges of maintaining honesty in the face of pressure from colleagues. The report concludes with a discussion of the student's commitment to lifelong learning, patient advocacy, and the need for transparent and honest care, emphasizing the importance of ethical decision-making and adherence to nursing standards.