This report presents a reflexive analysis of a student's leadership journey, focusing on self-awareness and development. It begins with an executive summary outlining the report's objectives, which include reflecting on leadership roles, responsibilities, and challenges. The student, acting as a manager, details their current role, highlighting responsibilities such as operational oversight and employee management, and identifies challenges like communication and delegation. The report then explores key aspects of their leadership journey, including the influence of a professor and the development of a self-image through collaboration and trust. The findings from the Gallup Strengths Finder tool are presented, detailing the student's five major strengths (Deliberative, Harmony, Adaptability, Responsibility, and Empathy) and weaknesses. Feedback from a partner is analyzed, revealing a transformational leadership style and suggesting areas for improvement. The implications of this feedback are discussed, emphasizing the importance of continuous development and adapting to organizational changes. The report concludes by linking the experiences and feedback to Adaptive leadership theory, highlighting the need for adaptability and self-management to become a dynamic leader. The report emphasizes the significance of feedback in enhancing leadership qualities and the importance of building strong relationships with team members. The student's strengths, as revealed by the Gallup Strengths Finder, are used to improve their leadership skills.