204 Designing Research
Mixed Methods in the Social & Behavior Sciences (Tashakk:ori & Teddlíe, 2003)
was publíshed, providing the fírst comprehensive overview of this strategy of
inquiry. Now several journals emphasize mixed methods research. such as
the Joumal 01 Mixed Methods Beseardi; Quality and Quantity. and Field Methods.
while numerous others activelyencourage this form of inquiry (e.g.. Iniemaiional
[ournal 01 Social Research Methodology. Qualitative Health Research. Annals 01
Family Medicine). Numerous published research studies have incorporated
mixed methods research in the social and human sciences in diverse fields
such as occupational therapy (Lysack & Kreftíng, 1994). interpersonal com-
munication (Boneva, Kraut, & Frohlích, 2001). AIDS prevention (Ianz et al ..
1996), dementia caregiving (Weitzman & Levkoff. 2000). mental health
(Rogers, Day. Randall. & Bentall, 2003). and in míddle-school science (Houtz,
1995). New books arrive each year solely devoted to mixed methods research
(Bryman, 2006; Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007; Greene, 2007; Plano Clark