This document provides a solution to the Fundamentals of Asset Valuation (FIN202) assignment. The assignment focuses on the valuation of assets using discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques, specifically analyzing a case study involving Saratoga Lake Taxis. The solution includes the construction of a cash flow model, detailed calculations, and analysis of various financial aspects, such as revenue, expenses, EBITDA, EBIT, working capital, taxation, and capital expenditure. The assignment requires students to apply their knowledge of asset valuation to a real-world scenario, considering factors like inflation, market risk, and company-specific financial data. The solution demonstrates the application of formulas in Excel to build the financial model, addressing all the incremental cash flows to determine the project's net present value (NPV). The assignment aims to test the student's ability to interpret information and apply their knowledge of the issues involved in asset valuation. It also covers the key learning outcomes of explaining the concept of valuation and the purpose of valuing assets, and constructing a valuation based on the discounted cash flow valuation technique.