This portfolio report, submitted as part of the FY027 'Preparing for Success' module, details a student's journey of self-development, social and ethical awareness, and responsibility. The report begins with an introduction outlining the importance of personal capacities and skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and time management. The student then describes mini-project workshops attended, explaining how they contributed to the development of their social and ethical awareness. The report highlights the value of the included appendices, which encompass a personal development plan, SWOT analysis, reading log, workshop samples, time management skills, communication skills, social and ethical awareness attributes, academic writing skills, employability skills, notes on reflection, a CV, and an action plan. The student concludes by emphasizing the critical role of these skills in achieving personal and professional goals. The appendices provide detailed evidence of the student's self-assessment, skill development, and planning for future success, including a personal development plan with specific objectives, actions, and timelines. The references section lists several academic sources consulted during the preparation of the report.