This research project focuses on analyzing the attitude-behavior gap among ethical consumers of ShopHere, a national multichannel retailer transitioning to ethically sourced products. The study aims to analyze the effect of ethical consumerism on ShopHere's marketing strategies, examine purchase intentions, identify the attitude-behavior gap, and recommend strategies to minimize discrepancies. The research employs a positivism philosophy, a deductive approach, and descriptive designs, utilizing both survey and interview methods with a mixed-methods approach. Data collection involves primary data through surveys and interviews, and secondary data from peer-reviewed journals. Data analysis includes both qualitative and quantitative techniques, using SPSS for quantitative data and interpretation of interview transcripts for qualitative data. The project acknowledges limitations such as time constraints and resource availability, and emphasizes adherence to ethical guidelines throughout the research process, including informed consent and proper referencing to avoid plagiarism. The research utilizes focus group schedules and short surveys as research tools to gather data on consumer attitudes and behaviors, providing unbiased data for decision-making and offering reflections on consumer perspectives. The project's methodology section details research aims, objectives, questions, design, sampling, data collection, and analysis, along with limitations and ethical considerations. The provided appendix includes a survey questionnaire exploring gender, age, income, qualification, product preferences, purchase intentions, and employee interactions.