This project focuses on the UX/UI design of a smart home application, addressing the growing trend of connected homes. The assignment begins with a problem definition, highlighting the technological gap between manual products and smart home technology and the increasing market penetration of smart home products. The project outlines the methods used, including sketching for low-fidelity designs, iterative reviews for stakeholder feedback, interviews for gathering authentic data, and documentation to track the design process. The conceptual design section details the functionality of smart home devices and application protocols. It also explores the design of a single and multi-purpose application. Detailed mock-ups of the application interface are provided, covering key features such as home screens, access configurations, onboarding guides, and notification systems. The project concludes with a discussion reflecting on the UX/UI development experience, challenges, and learning outcomes. The student describes the process of learning tools, understanding design principles, and the iterative refinement of the design process. The bibliography includes cited sources related to user interface design for mobile-based applications.