This report provides a comprehensive overview of smoking, addressing its various facets. It begins by defining smoking and highlighting its prevalence, emphasizing the use of tobacco and its addictive properties. The report delves into the reasons behind smoking, primarily focusing on nicotine addiction and its associated withdrawal symptoms, while also touching upon the influence of environmental factors and coping mechanisms. It then extensively discusses the detrimental health impacts of smoking, detailing the damage it inflicts on various organs and its contribution to severe diseases like heart disease, lung cancer, and various cancers. The report further explores the theories of smoking, including behavioural theories that explain the development and maintenance of smoking habits. Finally, it examines policies implemented in the UK to curb smoking and proposes various prevention strategies such as increased taxation, stricter laws, smoke-free environments, restrictions on advertising, and educational initiatives to mitigate the health risks of smoking. The report concludes by summarizing the key findings and reiterating the need for continued efforts to address smoking as a major public health concern.