This report presents a comprehensive statistical analysis of three key economic datasets: industrial production, interest rates, and house prices. The analysis begins with the industrial production data, utilizing time series techniques to examine its behavior, including plotting the time series, calculating autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions, and testing for stationarity. An ARIMA model is fitted to the data, and its performance is evaluated using the Ljung-Box test. The report then moves on to the interest rate data, employing cointegration tests to examine the relationships between various interest rates. The Johansen procedure is used to determine the number of cointegration relationships, and error correction components are derived. Finally, the report analyzes house price data using a logit model to study the factors influencing home buyer preferences. A full model is fitted, and a stepwise selection process is used to identify an optimal model. The report compares the full and selected models, justifies the choice based on the AIC criteria, and calculates odds and probabilities related to home preferences. The analysis provides insights into the dynamics of these economic variables and offers practical applications of statistical modeling techniques.