This report presents a market research study on the airline industry's carbon footprint, commissioned by IATA. The research investigates passenger perceptions of the industry's environmental image, concerns about carbon emissions, and preferences for carbon offsetting. The report outlines the background of the issue, including increasing carbon emissions and the growing awareness of 'flight shame.' It details the research aim, objectives, and questions, focusing on how passenger demographics (gender, age, income) influence their views on environmental impact and carbon offsetting. The methodology includes a deductive approach using quantitative data collected through online questionnaires from 5,000 passengers across five IATA member airlines. The report employs various statistical techniques, such as ANOVA, Regression, and Chi-square tests, to analyze the data and address the research objectives. The study aims to provide insights into the airline industry's environmental image, passenger concerns regarding carbon emissions, and potential marketing strategies to mitigate these concerns. The findings are intended to inform IATA's efforts to understand and address the environmental challenges faced by its member airlines and improve their environmental credentials.