This report provides an analysis of strategic human resource management (SHRM) within the healthcare sector, addressing key concerns such as staff retention, engagement, skill development, and employee well-being. The report examines the impact of SHRM practices on healthcare outcomes, referencing Pfeffer’s thirteen practices for successful management. It explores various strategic approaches, including innovation, quality enhancement, and cost minimization, and how these strategies influence HRM practices and required employee behaviors. The report analyzes four articles focusing on nursing casualization and communication, innovative HR practices, managerial incentives, and occupational stress. Findings from these articles are applied to the hypothetical HealthReach situation, offering recommendations to improve communication, employee satisfaction, and overall organizational performance. The report suggests implementing high-performance work systems, performance incentives, and stress management programs to foster a positive work environment and improve patient care. It emphasizes the importance of aligning HRM practices with organizational strategies to achieve sustainable success.