This report summarizes three research articles focused on mental health nursing. The first article, a qualitative study by Howard and Gamble (2011), investigates the views of mental health nurses (MHNs) regarding the physical health management of acute inpatients with severe mental illness (SMI), highlighting the nurses' perceived roles, confidence, and training needs. The second study, a quantitative study by Robson et al. (2013), examines MHNs' attitudes, clinical practices, and training needs related to the physical health care of patients with SMIs, revealing positive attitudes and the need for further training. The third article, a systematic review by Cleary et al. (2012), synthesizes qualitative studies on nurse-patient communication in acute mental health inpatient facilities, emphasizing the importance of interpersonal approaches. Each summary includes the study's aims, methods, key findings, strengths, and limitations, offering a comparative analysis of the research landscape in mental health nursing.