This report provides a strategic proposal for an SEO and Google AdWords campaign for Sunshine Yoga Center, a yoga studio located in Sydney. The report begins with a business profile, highlighting the studio's services and target audience. It then analyzes the current website's SEO and user-friendliness, identifying shortcomings in on-page and off-page factors, such as content, URL structure, and internal linking. The report recommends improvements, including interlinking web pages, incorporating video content, and modifying the URL structure for better search engine optimization. The core of the report is a proposed AdWords strategy with a budget of $250. This strategy includes search and video campaigns, keyword and negative keyword identification (Yoga therapy, pre-natal yoga, Hot Yoga), and the use of two versions of AdWords text for ad groups. The report details the budget allocation, network selection, and audience targeting through keyword and location targeting (Sydney). It also recommends optimizing for clicks and emphasizes the use of cost-per-click bidding. The report concludes by identifying keyword performance and quality score as key success metrics. The report includes references and an appendix with the budget breakdown.