This essay provides a comprehensive overview of sustainable tourism, focusing on its application and development within Austria. It begins by defining sustainable tourism and outlining its core principles, such as resource management, waste reduction, biodiversity maintenance, and community involvement. The essay then identifies and analyzes the key stakeholders in sustainable tourism development, including tourists, businesses, the Austrian government, and local communities, highlighting their respective roles in decision-making processes. Furthermore, the essay delves into the macro-environmental factors that contribute to the sustainable development of Austria's tourism industry, encompassing political, economic, social, technological, and legal factors. It also examines the macro-environment and the motivational factors that influence tourist demand for Austria as a destination, including physical well-being, cultural and historical attractions, interpersonal connections, and the pursuit of status and prestige. The essay concludes with recommendations for enhancing sustainable tourism practices in Austria, emphasizing the importance of environmental, social, and economic sustainability pillars for continued growth.