This report presents a comprehensive system analysis and modeling for Indyflix Movies, a growing movie sales and rental chain. The analysis begins with an introduction to system analysis and modeling, emphasizing their importance in developing information systems. The report then provides background information on Indyflix Movies, including its business overview and key business problems, such as the need to update their information systems to support growth and improve efficiency. The report details both functional and non-functional requirements, including customer registration, movie loan processes, and security considerations. Documentation is provided, including a logical data dictionary, physical data dictionary, and process descriptions for key functions like registration, movie loans, and stock checking. The report also includes appendices with an event table, context diagram, and data flow diagram to visually represent the system's components and data flow. The analysis concludes by highlighting the importance of adapting to new opportunities and the value of the system analysis for Indyflix Movies. The provided analysis covers the crucial aspects of the business requirements and the ways to resolve the key concerns regarding the information system.