This report presents a system analysis and design for the New Century Wellness Group. It begins with an executive summary and proceeds to detail the system's functional and non-functional requirements, including login, registration, reporting, database management, audit capabilities, and email/text functionalities, alongside security, data flow, availability, scalability, recoverability, and data integrity considerations. The report then outlines fact-finding methods such as research, site visits, questionnaires, and interviews, followed by a feasibility study assessing operational, technical, economic, and scheduling aspects. Modeling exercises, including a context diagram, a Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD), and an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), are provided to visually represent the system's architecture and data flow. The report concludes that the proposed information system is a valuable tool for enhancing patient care and addressing the organization's challenges. The report includes a comprehensive bibliography of cited sources.