This research project report examines talent management strategies within Premier Inn. The report begins by outlining the research methodology, which includes both qualitative and quantitative approaches, with a focus on a quantitative method using a deductive research approach and interpretivism research philosophy. The research strategy involved a survey method using questionnaires for primary data collection from 40 respondents, managers and employees, and secondary data from books, journals, and online articles. The report details the data collection instruments, including the questionnaire, and addresses the reliability, validity, cost, access, and ethical considerations of the study. The subsequent sections present the analytical tools employed, specifically content analysis, to analyze the research findings. The report includes frequency tables and data analysis, breaking down the responses to each question into themes. Key themes explored include the concept of talent management, strategic approaches, the impact of talent management on business performance, advantages of talent management, innovative implementation methods, and the role of training and development. The analysis provides interpretations of the survey results, offering insights into employee perceptions and management practices related to talent management within Premier Inn. Finally, the report outlines the research outcomes, the effectiveness of research methods, alternative methodologies, and lessons learned.