This performance improvement project focuses on introducing telemedicine into routine practice within an emergency psychiatric department. It addresses the problem of understaffing and inadequate mental health care in many U.S. hospitals by implementing telepsychiatry, a branch of telemedicine that supports emergency mental health departments through videoconferencing for psychiatric evaluations and therapy. The project involves various healthcare cadres, including medical records staff, clinical staff, and hospital management, aiming to improve service delivery, reduce the burden on mental health professionals, and enhance the sharing of vital mental health data. Key considerations include the maintenance and repair of the system, outsourcing technical support, ensuring data security, optimizing data sharing, and factoring in cost-effectiveness and ease of access to stored data. The project's success will be evaluated based on feedback from mental health practitioners, hospital management, and patients, with a focus on improving service delivery and access to care. The project also emphasizes the importance of centralized areas accessible to mental health professionals and high data storage capacity to facilitate remote access to information.