This report provides a detailed analysis of Tesco's business environment, examining various aspects of the organization. It begins by differentiating between for-profit, not-for-profit, and non-government organizations, followed by an exploration of legal structures such as sole traders, partnerships, and private limited companies, with specific examples. The report then delves into the size and scope of organizations, comparing micro, small, medium, and large enterprises, including their objectives, market share, and growth strategies. It further investigates the global growth and development of transnational, international, and global organizations, highlighting the differences between franchising, joint ventures, and licensing. The report also addresses industrial structures, competitive analysis, market forces, and the roles of stakeholders. It examines the interrelationships between marketing, finance, human resource management, and operations within Tesco, and how these functions align with the overall organizational mission and objectives. Finally, it discusses different organizational structures, including strategic business units, matrix, and functional levels, and their complexities within transnational, international, and global contexts.