This report provides an in-depth analysis of leadership and management concepts within Tesco, drawing upon various theoretical frameworks to differentiate between the roles of leaders and managers. It begins by exploring Zaleznik's theory, which contrasts leaders who embrace chaos and innovation with managers who seek stability and control. The report then delves into Stogdill's Trait Theory, Lewin's Style Theory, Taylor's Classical Theory, and Drucker's Management by Objectives, examining their relevance to Tesco's operational practices. Furthermore, it discusses Fiedler's, Blake and Mouton's, and Drucker's leadership theories, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses in the context of Tesco's organizational structure. The report offers examples of leadership and management roles within Tesco, illustrating how different theories are applied in various situations to achieve organizational goals, emphasizing the importance of both leadership and management in driving Tesco's success.