This report presents a detailed system analysis of the AAA Mechanics vehicle mechanical service, developed as part of the INFS 1024 Systems Analysis course. The analysis begins with a stakeholder identification and analysis, outlining the interests of each stakeholder group, including mechanics, clients, and management. It then describes the techniques employed for requirement gathering, such as observation, document analysis, and interviews, providing sample interview questions to illustrate the process. The report thoroughly defines both the functional and non-functional requirements of the system, specifying features like service booking, mechanic rostering, and inventory management, along with quality attributes such as capacity, scalability, and reliability. Use cases are defined to represent the complete activity of the software using the Unified Modelling Language (UML), and a use case diagram visually represents the interactions between actors and use cases. Domain modeling is also performed, including domain classes, their attributes, and relationships, as well as a domain model class diagram. Finally, use case modeling is provided, including fully developed use case descriptions, activity diagrams, system sequence diagrams, and CRUD analysis. This comprehensive analysis provides a clear understanding of the system's requirements, design, and functionality.