This report presents a comprehensive analysis of The Utility Plc.'s business plan to launch a retail chain in London, UK. The report begins with an introduction to foreign direct investment and its benefits, setting the context for The Utility's venture. It details the company's operations, leadership structure, and product offerings, which include apparel, skincare, homecare, and food products, with a mix of local and international brands. The report then examines the demographic characteristics of London, including population size and income distribution, to understand the target market. It identifies the target customer segments as upper, middle, and to a limited extent, lower-class customers. Furthermore, the report assesses the level of competition The Utility would face from existing retail chains and online platforms. It also addresses the potential market demand, considering the economic climate. A questionnaire was conducted to gather primary data from eight respondents, and the findings are integrated with secondary research. The report concludes with recommendations for a dedicated quality control department and a strong e-commerce marketing platform.