This report provides a critical analysis of various Wide Area Network (WAN) technologies, including Dial-up, Broadband, Frame Relay, ADSL, ISDN, MPLS, and routing protocols like IGP and EGP. It explores the functionality of routers, servers, cabling systems, modems, and transceivers. The report delves into the significance of Quality of Service (QoS) management, examining concepts like Differentiated Service Code Point (DSCP), IP precedence, queues, and congestion management. It further evaluates the QoS needs of traffic-intensive services such as Voice over IP (VoIP), video streaming, and audio streaming. The importance of QoS in network design is critically assessed, emphasizing its role in ensuring the smooth operation of these services. The report highlights how QoS technologies manage network resources to provide a seamless experience for end-users, especially for critical applications like voice and video.