This web development project, completed by Grishma Duwadi for the CSY1018 module at the University of Northampton, details the creation of a responsive news website. The project encompasses five key pages: landing, review, glossary, jobs, and tutorials. The website utilizes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for structure, styling, and form validation. The landing page includes a navigation bar with dynamic elements like date, time, and weather, a sidebar for page navigation, and sections for sports news, latest news, and an editor's information in the footer. The review page discusses cloud computing and Python frameworks. The glossary page incorporates images and videos. The job page includes job advertisements, a validated form using JavaScript, and vacancy announcements. The tutorial page contains embedded videos demonstrating flex layout usage. The project also includes wireframes, validation reports for HTML and CSS, and a detailed account of the student's learning experience and the tools used, such as GitHub for version control. The project demonstrates the practical application of web development principles and technologies.