This report details a visit to the Magistrates Court of Western Australia, focusing on the case of Byers V Kitco Transport. It provides a comprehensive overview of the Children's Court jurisdiction, the hierarchical structure of the Australian court system, and the specific case study involving a truck accident and subsequent post-traumatic stress disorder. The report analyzes key ethical considerations, including the timing and nature of Mr. Byers' psychiatric symptoms and their relation to his employment injury, as well as the assessment of his incapacity for work. The findings from the case, including the judge's reliance on medical reports and the determination of compensation, are discussed. Furthermore, the report explores the dispute resolution process, including pre-hearing conferences, mediation, and early neutral evaluation. The report concludes with a summary of the court's ruling and references relevant legal and academic sources. This report is based on a visit to the Magistrates Court of Western Australia and offers valuable insights into Australian legal proceedings and dispute resolution.