This report presents a practical assignment focused on operating systems, specifically the creation of scripts for both Windows and Unix environments. The assignment involved developing batch files for Windows and shell scripts for Unix (Knoppix 8.1, using VMWare) to perform system administration tasks. The Windows script, written in a .bat file, utilizes commands to display running processes, logged-in users, plugged-in devices, disk usage, and system information, including the deletion of temporary files. The Unix script, written in bash, achieves similar objectives, displaying current processes, logged-in users, device information, disk usage, network interface status, RAM usage, and operating system version. The report details the scripting process, syntax differences, and the use of commands like `tasklist`, `wmic`, `ps`, `who`, `ls`, `du`, and `ip`. The outputs of the scripts are stored in text files for analysis. The report includes a discussion on the development process, the importance of system resource management, and how the scripts can be used for troubleshooting. It also highlights the use of `chmod +x` to grant execution permissions in Unix and provides a bibliography of the resources used.