This report evaluates the performance of wireless sensor networks by comparing two routing protocols: DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector) and AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector). The study utilizes the NetSim-2 and NAM (Network Animation) tools for simulation and analysis. The report details the network design, simulation setup (20 nodes, UDP and CBR traffic), and the behavior of each protocol over time (50, 150, and 250 seconds). It analyzes packet transmission, energy consumption, and node behavior through screen captures from the NAM tool. The report presents trace file analysis for both protocols, examining packet sending, receiving, and dropping, alongside energy consumption changes. Results are presented in the form of graphs. The findings conclude that DSDV facilitates data packet exchange with energy conservation in each node, while AODV limits energy consumption. The report recommends AODV for networks with limited energy per node to prevent energy depletion.