This report provides a comprehensive overview of workplace health and safety (WHS) practices. It begins by defining the roles and responsibilities of various team members, including officers, coordinators, workers, contractors, clients, and volunteers, emphasizing their respective duties in ensuring a safe working environment. The report outlines the organization's WHS policies, covering accountability, emergency procedures, communication strategies, and training protocols. It details the procedures for hazard management, personal security, injury management, and record-keeping. The report further explores relevant WHS legislation and guidelines, including safe working premises, proper facilities, and the maintenance of safe materials and machinery. A significant portion of the report is dedicated to the hazard assessment process, detailing procedures for data collection, workplace inspections, and incident investigations. It describes the steps involved in a fire drill exercise, including pre-drill preparations, during-drill procedures, and post-drill evaluations. The report also covers how breaches in WHS are recorded, including chemical management, safety data sheet management, regulatory compliance, and workplace safety management. The report concludes with a bibliography of the sources used.