This report presents a comparative analysis of two multimodal texts: the animated film "Zootopia" and the film "The Lion." The core theme explored is the "need to belong." The analysis examines how each film represents this theme through narrative, character development, and the use of various textual elements. In "Zootopia," the report focuses on the protagonist Judy Hopps' journey to find her place in Zootopia's police department, a city filled with anthropomorphic animals. It analyzes the language and visual representation of the city. "The Lion," the report focuses on the character Saroo's search for his roots. The report also discusses how the films manipulate aural, language, and visual devices to reinforce their central themes. The report explores how the visual imagery and the use of language in each movie contribute to the overall narrative and thematic understanding. Both films are analyzed for their effectiveness in conveying the need to belong as a universal human experience.