
Catering Business Plan Report


Added on  2022-12-15

23 Pages5545 Words177 Views
Individual Business
Plan Report
Catering Business Plan Report_1

Executive summary
In the below report there is a discussion of a busines plan. In which there is a introduction of a
catering busines which is Romanian fresh food. This report consist of competitive analysis, funds
raisers and marketing strategy and competitors analysis
Catering Business Plan Report_2

Executive summary.........................................................................................................................2
Main body........................................................................................................................................4
Business details............................................................................................................................4
Market/ Industry analysis............................................................................................................5
Product and service description...................................................................................................7
USP and competitor’s analysis....................................................................................................7
Operation plan.............................................................................................................................9
Risk and contingency plan.........................................................................................................11
Sales and marketing strategy.....................................................................................................13
Finance and funding plans.........................................................................................................14
Management team- Justify ability to lead and manage venture................................................15
Books and journals....................................................................................................................17
Catering Business Plan Report_3

Business plan is the plan which is in written document that tells the detail why and how
the business starts, it can mainly a start-up which defines all the objectives and how the company
is going to be achieving its goals and objectives. Business plan is considered to be mainly a
written roadmap from the organisation from marketing, operational and financial departments.
Business plan are most important to attract investment before a company that has established a
proved track a record. However, it is necessary to maintained by an owner of a company to get
the details about the business plan a what activities are to be undertaken in their company
(Adriaanse, van der Rest, and Parsa, 2020). Then this business plan is reviewed whether the
goals and objectives are being achieved or not or how much target is being achieved in the
company or through by the employees of the business. in this report there is an introduction of a
business plan which is started as a Catering business in UK, as in this business the work is of
catering of food services to the customers. In this report there is a discussion about the business
plan which is being made through this re. this busines plan consist of business details, location,
market analysis and product description. Then it consists of details about risk and contingency
plans. The there is a competitive analysis and this is to be discussed in this report. At last, it
consists of sales and marketing strategy which is being used by the company to attract customer
and at last there is a funding plan and finance plan that how much funds are needed and from
where it comes.
Main body
Business details
The business plan is the plan which is maintained as the documented in which there is a
detail about the new start-up busines. This includes various activities and planning like planning
of the market condition, type of business to start and where to start it. It identifies the analysis of
the market and the analysis of the company which is required to start. Then there will be the
analysis of the competitors like who will the competitors of the company and what will the
operating plan, what can the risk factors, what are the factors which can impact the business
internally and externally both. These all are discussed in the business plan before starting up of
any business or any start up. In this report there is an introduction of a Catering business which is
being started by the owner of a company. Catering business is now a very famous business
Catering Business Plan Report_4

which is being starting by many of the people. As it is mostly depended on this customer choices
and their demands and needs. The name of a business which is starting is “Romanian Fresh
food”. This is considered to be the biggest catering business of UK. It will provide food of
Roman which is being provided to the customers in effective way. The company will use high
quality of products and services to the customers so that customers will get attracted towards the
brand. This could be like by customer because In UK there is no other brand like this and it will
be liked by the customers.
This Catering business will be made in the city of UK which is called Coventry. The
products and service which business will invent is food as it will be of high quality so that
customers will be get attracted by the food quality and can comes more in the organisation
(Ayyildiz, Gumus, and Erkan, 2020). This place is very beautiful and by having this Catering
business their customers will get more attracted. Also, there could no other Catering business
like this in UK. So, this could be company competitive advantage in the market. This could be
different from others because Romanian is the traditional food and it is located in the centre of
Market/ Industry analysis
It is discussed that catering is the busines which provides services of food to the events or the
locations to the customers. It can be sold per person or more than one person basis. A catering
Catering Business Plan Report_5

proposal can be usually involved rental arrive time, staff arrival time and close and open time
and rental pick up time etc. there can be many of the factors which can affect the prices of the
organisation these factors are furniture and supply meals, menu choices and service charges etc.
there is a SWOT analysis of catering market and hospitality industry which s discussed below:
Strength: There are some of the strengths of catering business which is that it does not
offer outdoor catering services alone but it takes through consultancy services and
training and rental services (Barfield, 2020). It means that people prefer to that client who
provides variety of services and quality of products and make event memorable. Also, it
is usually a most applied business which is being produced by many of the entrepreneurs
to gather customers and make them satisfied.
Weakness: The major weakness of this industry is a challenge of hiring and keeping the
best cooks in the Catering business. As if cook is not good then food will also be not
good then this automatically results in not attracting of the customer towards their brand.
Most of the high demand’s chiefs are being hired in high salary amount.
Opportunity: The opportunities for the company will be that it is not be quantified. Asa
a hospitality industry, they have many opportunities as they can provide online delivery
options. Customer can directly purchase from this Catering business and this results in
increasing of their customer base. Also, by this investor can get high returns on their
investments. As in context of this business plan, the investigator is introducing Romanian
fresh food, so it becomes an opportunity for business because at first, they are offering
their services in the Coventry of UK. So, this becomes attraction and secondly business
potential customer are mainly old people and the persons which are not able to cook at
home. so, this may turn into the opportunity for the business.
Threats: Threats for the industry will be that there are variety of first-class service which
is being provided in the UK to customers. They are becoming more threats for the
company. They can become a threat to this business. because theses competitors can
provide variety of products and services to the customer (Block, and Petty, 2020). This
business will also focus on the development of marketing strategies and sales campaigns
which will helps them in being competition with those of the competitors.
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