
Manage Human Resource Services


Added on  2023-04-19

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentHigher Education
Manage Human Resource Services
Manage Human Resource Services_1

Activity 1
Impact of New Strategic Plan on HR requirements
The new and updated strategic plan for the National Transport Company highlights key
points that will have a lasting impact on the HR of the company. The organisation owns a
large number of cars, trucks, planes and ships which require operators on a large scale. The
company uses these modes of transportation to deliver goods that were ordered by customers.
This delivery process also includes the involvement of employees both internal and
outsourced. The company plans to expand its business overseas, mainly into the Pacific and
Asia region. This would involve a significant increase in the number of vehicles which would
also increase the number of staff who operate these vehicles, which would also imply that
there would be a significant increase in the number of employees. The current business
model allows the customer to order the services they require via phone. These orders are then
categorised and different employees at the administration update these orders according to
the needs of the customer. With the expansion of the business and the introduction of online
services for booking and tracking the staff need to train and updated with the use of this new
technological development by the company to ensure efficient service. The staff will need to
be updated regularly on the advancements of these proposed developments regularly so they
can prepare themselves accordingly for this organisational change. The organisation has an
unfettered safety record and the employees will be ready to vouch for this claim. As the
organization intends to shift its headquarters from Sydney to Adelaide the staff will require a
detailed report on the new location of the headquarters as they will have to arrange
accordingly for the move. The report will need to specify the location of the new headquarter
premises, the transit routes of the location and estimated timeframe of the whole process.
Providing this information to the employees as soon as possible is critical to reducing the
turnover rates by 10% which the company plans on doing according to the plan. The move
can cause inconvenience to a lot of the staff who are working at the current headquarters and
detailed information about the move will be helpful.
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Activity 2
1. This Organization currently operates with a system that is primarily analogue and has not
started doing business on an online platform. Recent statistics regarding the sales and
customer feedback have shown that this unavailability of the option of buying products
online and having them delivered to the customers home is a major reason for this chain
losing business. The external market currently consists of competition who are already on
such online platforms and doing business. Initiating this organisational change in our
business will involve a considerable amount of change in the company's current HR
policies and requirements. Digitising the business will involve employing staff with
technical knowledge. It would also necessitate the need for a separate I.T. department that
can monitor the functionality of the web platform. This implies that there will be a
sizeable hike in the budget. Personnel also needs to be employed for delivering the
products. The organisation can either create their own delivery service or outsource it to
other delivery services that are already in business.
2. This organisation currently relies heavily on the proper functioning of its I.T.department.
This is the general trend in the current environment of the publishing industry. With the
introduction of the smartphone and other digital reading platforms, the company depends
more on technology and less on printed material for business. The internet also serves as
a platform for promotion which is an essential factor in the publishing sector. And in this
digital age, more and more business is becoming highly dependant on the IT. this trend
has led to a scarcity of IT staff. Most trained officials prefer freelancing as it offers more
pay. The company has to pay extra for tech support lack of IT support staff also leaves
our cyber security compromised. In order to solve this problem, the company needs to
hire IT support staff by offering a higher salary as it would be beneficial for the company
in the long run. There is a limited number of trained personnel and competition is stiff as
the sooner action is taken, the better.
3. This organisation is currently in the construction business and relies on civil engineers to
function. Qualified engineers are an absolute necessity for the construction industry.
Proper designs and building parameters which can only be provided by engineers are
crucial to the constructions are operating properly. Inaccuracies in the calculations can
have disastrous consequences and cause a loss of both life and property. Australia
Manage Human Resource Services_3

currently faces a scarcity of properly qualified civil engineers and it ultimately affects the
rate of growth and development of the country. The limited amount of personnel who are
available has heavy workloads the pace of construction is reduced. This also affects the
workers who have to work for a longer period of time. The company needs to optimize its
designing procedure by forming grouping the tasks that require immediate attention and
tasks that do not. Optimising the time for the engineers will help them to work properly
and increase the rate of production. In order of certain resignations and retirements of
engineers which lack in the domestic labour market international market will be
chosen for recruitment and there will be recruitment which will be done from
international labour market.
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Activity 3
1. The 5 reasons why HR professionals consult line and senior managers about human
resource needs in their areas are as follows:
The goal of HR is to empower the managers in order for them to make informed
decisions regarding departmental employment matters. Regular communication
will ensure that every time the HR has to make such a decision they do not have
to consult the HR as that would be a waste of time when it comes to minor
decisions. It is essential for HR to have a strong relationship with management.
The management needs assistance from HR during the selection and screening
process of an employee. The HR needs to consult the management on the Human
Resources requirement and select staff accordingly. This process of crucial as the
management is completely dependent on the HR for the proper selection of
personnel with the required skill sets that the company requires.
The senior managers will identify the process of training and orientation
according to the needs of the business but this training will be done by the HR.
thus it is essential for the HR to have an open channel of communication with the
senior management to understand their needs thoroughly and train new staff
accordingly. Without proper communication between the two department
employees would lack proper knowledge of the workings of the company and
their functions in it. Managers may also use HR to introduce employees to other
people with whom they might have a working relationship.
The management has to communicate with HR in order to determine the proper
salary packages for the various employees in the department. Managers have to
determine the different amounts of salaries that have to be paid for different jobs
and they cannot do it without the HR. the HR hold all relevant information
regarding an employee including performance reviews and work experience. In
order to determine the external market environment, the managers may use the
HR to research salaries of competitors ad comparably sized business and. This
keeps the market stable.
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HR is also responsible for handling complaints and grievances from employees
regarding and malpractice in the company. HR has the responsibility to settle such
cases and involve the management in such proceedings. The complaints are often
sensitive in nature and require careful handling. The communication process
between HR and the management needs to be secure to avoid discrepancies. The
HR can also help the management to take action against anyone who is found
guilty of any malpractice within the organisation including sexual harassment or
conflicts with respect to race, religion or gender.
The HR and the Management need to Share a healthy relationship as they are the
two most fundamental organs that are necessary to run a business successfully.
They determine the direction of an organisation and in a perfect organisation they
would share one voice and will agree on every issue related to matters of
employment and productivity of the workforce. But in real life, there might be
many issues that the HR and the Management might disagree upon but it is
essential for the whole business that both the organs stick together to perform
their duties separately but in sync with each other to avoid friction and maintain
productivity. The HR should provide the management with data of employees
well being and issues with specific employees that need special attention. This
will prevent misunderstandings between the workforce and the managers.
2. Questionnaire for identifying Human Resource requirements
1. What are some of the actions that may be taken by the kitchen staff that might further
optimise the rate of production and improve the delivery time of orders?
2. Identify a few key points that would help identify areas that need more efficiency
regarding the use of utilities that are being provided by the company?
3. The takeaway service of one of the branches has come under criticism recently when
several customers receive food that had got cold. This implies that the delivery process is
inefficient. Identify some of the factors that contribute to this inefficiency and suggest a
few measures that can help improve the situation.
4. Multiple Reports have been filed regarding the malfunctioning of equipment like
freezers, ovens and storage units by the staff and though some of the problems have been
Manage Human Resource Services_6

mitigated, there is still a lot of malfunctioning equipment in all the branches that need to
be addressed. Identify the cause of this inefficiency in the functioning of the repair and
maintenance department of the company.
5. Customers have pointed out that 9 out of the 16 branches do not have any mechanism to
share feedback. This is a major issue as feedbacks are the most effective way of
identifying areas that need improvement. How will this issue be addressed?
6. Customers have also reported that during rush hour service becomes disorganized and
slow. Employees have stated that this problem is caused by understaffing during rush
hours. The current numbers of employees are equipped to handle slow traffic but during
rush hour the lack of extra hands causes the delay in service. The company does not have
the financial backing to hire new staff. How can this problem be mitigated without
affecting the operating budget of the company
7. Customers of the company has also answered to survey by saying that the company lacks
high amount of human resources which will render service to the company. It is
important to consider that the company has good human resources to render high quality
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Activity 4
1. This Organisation resolves to commit toward creating and preserving a diverse and inclusive
workforce. An organization's most essential component is its human capital. The collective
product of the ideas, expressions, talents and unique capabilities of a very member of the
workforce contribute to not only the overall culture of the workforce but also the reputation f and
achievement of the company. The organisation embraces and encourages its employee's
differences with respect to age, disability, colour, ethnicity, marital status or family, language,
gender status or identity, national origin, political affiliation, religion, sexual orientation and
other characteristics and acknowledges that these characteristics make the employees unique.
These diversity initiatives are applicable to all of the organisation's policies and practices that
include selection and recruitment, benefits and compensation, training and professional
development, promotions, transfer and ongoing development of the workplace environment
which has been built on the premise of gender equality and diversity. All employees of the
organisation are expected to treat their colleagues with respect and dignity at every instance.
2. Measuring the current diversity levels of the organization and looking at the situation
objectively helps in identifying areas that require action and puts more focus on improving the
A diverse workforce implies that it is composed of a people with a variety of differences and
difference in race is just one of them more options of diversity include different genders,
religious background, different physical abilities and different nationalities.
Expanding the geographical scope of recruiting will help the organisation to reach more diverse
candidates from different nationalities and cultural background.
Focusing on retention efforts ensures that the organizational culture does not remain
homogenous and attracts a diverse set of applicants.
Paying attention to the organisational workplace culture is also essential as some employees may
have discriminatory attitudes towards some groups (Matthias, 2018). Employee surveys should
be considered in order to discover these issues and address them.
Regular workshops for training on diversity should be considered. This creates a more inclusive
culture in the workplace and increases retention efforts (Luz, Leite, and Alvarelhão, 2019). It
may also help people understand the value of a diverse working environment.
Manage Human Resource Services_8

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