The new and updated strategic plan for the National Transport Company highlights key points that will have a lasting impact on the HR of the company. The organisation plans to expand its business overseas, mainly into the Pacific and Asia region. This would involve a significant increase in the number of vehicles which would also increase the number of staff who operate these vehicles, which would also imply that there would be a significant increase in the number of employees. The staff will need to be updated regularly on the advancements of these proposed developments regularly so they can prepare themselves accordingly for this organisational change. The organisation has an unfettered safety record and the employees will be ready to vouch for this claim. As the organization intends to shift its headquarters from Sydney to Adelaide the staff will require a detailed report on the new location of the headquarters as they will have to arrange accordingly for the move. The report will need to specify the location of the new headquarter premises, the transit routes of the location and estimated timeframe of the whole process. Providing this information to the employees as soon as possible is critical to reducing the turnover rates by 10% which the company plans on doing according to the plan. The move can cause inconvenience to a lot of the staff who are working at the current headquarters and detailed information about the move will be helpful.