
Organisational Behaviour Report


Added on  2020-12-09

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Organisational Behaviour Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1 Analyse the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in theDavid & co. Ltd...........................................................................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P2 Motivational theories for achieving organisational goals......................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9P3: State what makes a team more effective as opposed to an ineffective team........................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................11P4 philosophies and concepts of organisational behaviour ......................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................13REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
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INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour is a study of way in which an individual interact with a groupor a group of individuals. In other words, it is a scientific method that is used by the managementof a firm for creating more efficient workplace for their employees. In addition to this, it is anexamination of human behaviour and atmosphere of organisation. The chosen organisation forthis assignment is A David and company Ltd. It was founded in 1962 by David family at thelocation of UK. This is a wholesaler in food and beverages industry with headquarters inLondon. This report includes the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour ofemployees along with the role of motivation theory in achievement of organisational goals.Group development theories in the organisation with Various concepts and philosophies of OB isalso discussed in this assignment.TASK 1P1 Analyse the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in the David &co. Ltd.In present scenario, culture, politics and power are playing a crucial role in theorganisation that gave positive and negative affect on the operational activities of the firm.Power is defined as an ability of management which is influence the worker's working behaviourfor performing in right way due to which, their pre-set objectives will be achieved in given timeperiod. So that, it can be said that power is an essential element for changing the behaviour ofemployees towards the firm.Influence of power on group and personManagers have to use positive power in order to getting better results from theiremployees, it will helpful for organisation in getting more profitability and productivity. Withthe help of this, a confidence level will be build among employees and they will gave morecontribution in the growth and sustainability of the firm. The positive power includes variousdecision which have to be taken by the managers such as defining duties to the employees alongwith their responsibilities towards specific task, giving reward to the best performer, recognisingthe efforts of workforce etc. these decisions are related with the growth of the firm and help themin reducing unessential cost from the production process (Andriof and et. al., 2017). Sometime,managers have to use negative power at workplace due to having lots of pressure related with
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completing the task in the allotted time period so, they force their employees to work hard sothat, they will finish the assigned task in allotted time frame. If they can't finish the work onspecified time then they will have to bear the punishment in terms of their salary reduction orcompensation. In the context of A David and company limited, they have more skilled and ablemanagers who have take their decisions according to the situations. In terms of organisationpower, cited organisation can use theory for influencing the working behaviour of theiremployees which are given as under:French and Raven power types: As per this approach, power is divided into five types which arementioned below: Legitimate power: this power is provided to a specific persons based on their positionwithin the organisation. For e.g. such power is given to the CEO of David and companylimited which is used by them in controlling their employees in effective manner.Reward power: It is a kind of power which is given to the person in terms of providingrewards, promotion, organising training programmes to their team members. In thecontext of A David and company limited, their board of directors have this power whichis used by the CEO of company for giving rewards to their workers for their efforts.Coercive power: this power is opposite of reward power it is also used by the managerof an organisation for increasing the productivity and profitability for this, they gavepunishment to their workforce which encourage them for performing in an effectivemanner. This power is rarely used because employees are valuable asset for theorganisation and they perform according to allotted task (Butler and Rose, 2011).Expert power: this power is given to an individual in organisation who has a hugeexperience in a specific field or having a proper knowledge and skills about it. In thecontext of David and company limited their HR manager has such power as they areworking in the organisation from a long time and expert in dealing challenging situationsin workplace.Referent power: It is a kind of power which is given to the specific persons in a firm forthe purpose of influencing working behaviour of other employees. In David and companylimited, leaders have such power which is used by them for increasing confidence levelof employees doing their task in order to getting loyalty towards the firm.
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