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Reflective Personal Development Report and Action Plan


Added on  2023/01/12

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This report discusses the importance of personal development and provides an action plan for improving time management, team working, and written communication skills. It evaluates the current competence in each skill and identifies areas of improvement. The report also highlights the relevance of these skills in personal and professional development. The document type is a reflective personal development report and the type of assignment is an action plan.

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Reflective Personal
Development Report
and Action Plan

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Table of Contents
Introduction and brief evaluation of psychological approaches...................................................................2
Reflective Personal Development Report and Action Plan..........................................................................2
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Introduction and brief evaluation of psychological approaches
Business psychology is kind of applied science that help to evaluate the way to make
people and organization more effective in nature. By using the social scientific research methods
helps in study nature of people, workplace practices and organization for aligning their multiple
and competing needs and wants (Bener and Yildiz, 2019). It is very much important in an
organization to understand oneself and others for that there are no. of approaches one is
psychological perspective that do not rely on one right way to study the people think or believe.
There are no. of ways to build perception for others. The another perspective is behaviorism that
maintain behaviors scientifically without the use of resources either using internal physiological
event or hypothesis contracts.
Reflective Personal Development Report and Action Plan
From the analysis it has been analyze that the major 3 skills are time management, team
working and written communication that helps me to remain always competitive in the
marketplace in positive manner so I need to develop.
What is the core skill to develop?
The core skill that proved beneficial for me to develop consist is time management. TM is the
chain of activities of planning and exercising the control over the time spend on specified
activities to enhance level of efficiency and productivity in potential manner (Blackberry,
Kearney and Glen, 2019). respective skills proved very much beneficial in specifying one of
best activities and time taken by it so that desirable outcomes should be achieved.
Why did I select this skill to reflect on? Why is this core skill important for your
I select respective core skill due to it provides effective kind of results to me by managing
time and resources in potential manner. In hectic business world it is very crucial to deal with
different things simultaneously. The another important cause is dealing in effective manner
with situation that arise with an individual and get the proper solution for it. It devote
attention of an individual in practices that develop attention of an individual that is important

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for them potentially.
Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your
By using the self assessment from the (10 Practical Ways to Improve Time Management
Skills, 2020) I make schedule of various activities by prioritizing in effective manner. after
that set deadlines that is important for me in order to gain the desirable outcomes. In that
series by building strategies and tactics I can be able to demonstrate the work and time taken
by me in effective manner. by note each and every aspect such as priority for me and how
much it takes time to attain desirable outcomes.
Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above?
I found that after scheduling work and prioritize as per goals and objectives, I am not able to
gain on specified time duration. In that regards by analyzing results I found that results
specify that I got the desirable outcomes on right time and in potential manner. so it is very
much important for an individual to use various kinds of tools and techniques that proved
beneficial in effectively prioritize activities and time taken by them so that effective kind of
outcomes should be attained.
How might this skill help me in the future?
Time management always proved beneficial in every stage of life as to remain competitive in
the business environment management of different aspects proved very much beneficial. To
occupy the higher position in the near future coordinating different activities proved very
much beneficial in order to remain competitive in marketplace (Brunstein and, 2019). In
that regards priority for me identification is very much important as it helps in gaining
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optimum outputs. So it can be said that time management is very much potential for every
class of individual in potential manner.
What is the core skill to develop?
The another key skill that proved very much potential is team working, in the whole life an
individual have to work with differ kind of people that possess variation in their working
nature (Bubnys, 2019). In that regards coordinating with them proved essential element in
completion of work or any project. Team is the group of individuals that collaborate their
working, views and opinions to achieve the specified goal or objective. In that regards it is
very obligatory to develop such skill in an individual so that can gain desirable outcomes.
Why did I select this skill to reflect on? Why is this core skill important for your
Team working is very much important not in day to day life but also in professional one. In
the corporate it has always been evaluated that an individual can work with the team (Cottrell,
2019). While people working in a team there are conflicts arise in them as their self interest
not matching with one another. Respective skill is very much core activity for me as it helps
me to remain competitive and managing actions of large no. of individuals in potential
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manner. by developing respective skill needs some time and major efforts as it rare in nature.
Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your
It has been analyze that competency related to the team working is average in regards to me.
With the help of various ways I can be able develop it in potential manner. In that series major
activities are scheduling work, communicating with people, find the root cause of conflict and
delivering potentially tasks and duties to each and every individual so that they can give one
of their best efforts. (12 easy ways to improve workplace teamwork, 2020). in that regards by
using respective ways I can be able to gain the desirable outcomes out of them in potential
Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above?
In team working skills I found some sort of contradictions that is primarily I analyze that I am
not able to allocate roles and responsibilities to each and every individual in proper manner
(Dlouhá and, 2019). after that I found that people in proper manner acknowledge about
their responsibilities and give one of their best efforts in development of oneself and for
organization. So primarily I lose my confidence but after observing results I gain positive
insights from people potentially.
How might this skill help me in the future?
Team working skills is very much important for an individual as it helps in managing people

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by allocating tasks and responsibilities in potential manner. it helps me in near future in
coordinating large no. of individuals so that they can give one of their best efforts in
organisational development and enhancement in potential manner.
What is the core skill to develop?
The another major skills is written communication that is very much potential for individual
to express their views and opinions to the another person so that they acknowledge about
potentiality in gaining desirable outcomes (Grit, 2019). Written communication is one of most
important attribute that helps in interacting with people in form of written way that is more
clear and validate in nature.
Why did I select this skill to reflect on? Why is this core skill important for your
development (personal and professional)
Written communication skill is very much important for an individual in sharing the
knowledge and information to the potential individual in gaining desirable goals and
objectives. In that regards professionally it proved beneficial for an individual about their
work and way to persuade it in potential manner. it helps in allocating tasks and
responsibilities to each individual so that they can take interest in their work by gaining
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potential remarks from their authorized individual.
Reflect on your current competence regarding this skill. How did you assess your
For the written communication firstly I take help from the good books for taking the skills to
read and write to understand in proper manner. by practicing again and again to write on
specified subject matter and then taking suggestions from people that helps me to improve in
respective skill potentially (McDonagh and, 2019). By framing the checklist that possess
the no. of questions with day to day targets that need to access and rating in results regarding
its improvement helps me in gaining potential outcomes. After adopting respective steps I
can be able to demonstrate my skills in potential manner.
Can you identify any contradictions from your analysis above?
In regards of written skill, firstly I understand that I am perfect in respective skill as I can be
able to communicate in perfect manner. but while people not able to understand the gist that I
communicating with them create problem for me that adversely Impact on my performance.
In that regards it is very much potential for me to analyze each and every aspect of respective
skill so actual results should be obtained in order to gain desirable outcomes.
How might this skill help me in the future?
Communication for an individual always plays very much important role as it assist in sharing
the knowledge and information to the people in potential manner. by using written
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communication I can be able to depict the views and opinions in very much clear manner in
order to gain potential outcomes.
Summary Action Plan
For an individual it is very much important to build objectives and goals for improving
the set of skills and capabilities in potential manner (Orbell and Alison Phillips, 2019). the three
core personal development that are as follows:
Time management:
Strength: By demonstrating the time management skill, I found that by using the continuous
efforts able to polish my skill set that helps me to remain competitive in business environment. I
am always determined in nature while come in work between tasks and by learning new duties so
that potential outcomes should be attained.
Weakness: By demonstrating the area of weakness is that I face difficulty in managing the task
as per their priority that underestimate me sometime. In that regards allocation of duties as per
their priorities help me in gaining potential outcomes.
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely
area 1 Time
work by
every hour.
By setting
deadlines and
By using
activities it is
possible as I
every day.
My skill that I
determined so
it is relevant.
It complete
within six

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Team working:
Strength: It has been evaluated that my major strength is team working that helps me in
allocation of work and responsibilities in potential manner (Ramlal and Augustin, 2019). yet the
written communication and managing time need to work on so that effective outcomes should be
Weakness: In regards of team working I face difficulties in allocating tasks and responsibilities
that helps in gaining desirable outcomes from the people.
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely
area 2 Team
To improve
team working
I need to
people and
their skills to
complete the
The target is
measurable in
sense of by
tasks to every
work in
specified time
helps in
and measure
It is relevant
to coordinate
work and
task as per
deadline helps
to evaluate.
Written communication:
Strength: My major strength in that regards that it helps in communicating with potential
individual as it potentially allocate resources in proper manner.
Weakness: sometimes due to difference in culture, language and difference in understanding I
not able to share the potential knowledge with others.
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely
area 3 written
By writing
about day to
day events
The time is
as I on daily
basis write
specific no.
of words.
It is
attainable in
nature by
writing about
events and
check with
It is relevant as
it helps in
improving my
target is easy
and by using
for long time
helps me to
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From the above report it has been concluded that it is very much potential for an
individual and organization to analyze the working practices and psychology in proper manner
so that potential outcomes should be attained. By using no. of approaches an individual can
understand the feeling and opinions of others to mould their workings in positive manner. so it
can be evaluated be that psychology plays very much important role in organisational as well as
individual development.
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Books and journals:
Bener, E. and Yildiz, S., 2019. The use of blog activities to promote reflection in an ELT
practicum. Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 44(8), p.38.
Blackberry, G., Kearney, J. and Glen, M., 2019. Developing an interpretive learning framework
for understanding action research projects. Educational Action Research, 27(2), pp.318-
Brunstein, J. and, 2019. Sustainability in finance teaching: evaluating levels of reflection
and transformative learning. Social Responsibility Journal.
Bubnys, R., 2019. A journey of self-reflection in students’ perception of practice and roles in the
profession. Sustainability, 11(1), p.194.
Cottrell, S., 2019. The study skills handbook. Macmillan International Higher Education.
Dlouhá, J. and, 2019. Competences to Address SDGs in Higher Education—A Reflection
on the Equilibrium between Systemic and Personal Approaches to Achieve
Transformative Action. Sustainability, 11(13), p.3664.
Grit, R., 2019. Managing your competencies: personal development plan. Routledge.
McDonagh, C. and, 2019. Enhancing practice through classroom research: A teacher's
guide to professional development. Routledge.
Orbell, S. and Alison Phillips, L., 2019. Automatic processes and self-regulation of
illness. Health psychology review, 13(4), pp.378-405.
Ramlal, A. and Augustin, D.S., 2019. Engaging students in reflective writing: an action research
project. Educational Action Research, pp.1-16.

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10 Practical Ways to Improve Time Management Skills, 2020. [Online]. Available through.
12 easy ways to improve workplace teamwork, 2020. [Online]. Available through.
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