
The Relationship between Substance Abuse and Crime among Prisoners


Added on  2019-09-30

12 Pages2560 Words335 Views
1Substance Abuse and Crime Substance Abuse and Crime Southern New Hampshire University
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2Substance Abuse and Crime AbstractThis review examined the occurrence of substance abuse and criminal behaviour among the adult prisoners inside subjects over an 11-month time frame unending drug utilizing guilty parties. For this specimen, expanded substance utilize—cocaine or heroin use and also liquor use—was altogether identified with increments in self-reports of wage creating crime. The abuse of substances does not stop once an individual is caught and punished by imprisonment through this study it will show that the correlation between substance abuse and crime continues even well the criminals are in prison. Substance abuse is a disease that has plagued America for so long and along with it has become crimes of different levels. Addicts will prostitute themselves and other, they will, steal kill and destroy their own peoplea, neighbourhoods and community just to chase the next high. It has been shown through the recidivism rates of substance abusers who are imprisoned in the United States, who will cometo jail and receive another charge for possessing or selling drugs or alcohol in prison.
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3Substance Abuse and Crime IntroductionSubstance abuse and crime are two of the most obstinate social issues confronting theUnited States. The connection amongst drugs and crime has been a point of supportedenthusiasm to researchers and strategy producers alike, as is confirmed by an extensivevolume of literature. Here we discuss the relationship between the substance abuse and crimein respect to prisoner’s perception and experience (Maynard et al., 2015). Once there is afocus placed on the addictions of these prisoners in assuring that they are free of theimprisonment of the substance that they abuse then his or her crimes will also diminish withit. Once these individuals are no longer dependent on their substance of choice they will haveno reasons to commit the crimes to feed those addictions that no longer exist. If thecorrectional system or the criminal justice system does not put more emphasis on completerehabilitation programs inside and outside of jail for these addicts the levels of crimes inneighbourhoods in which these individuals live will continue to rise.A substance abuser will find a way to get high incarcerated or free this is thecorrelation that continues to give jails and prison these revolving doors for these individualsthat are not being treated for their addictions but merely punished for their crimes with littleto none rehabilitation for the true problem and reason for them being incarcerated.
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4Substance Abuse and Crime MethodMethodology: The information for this review is collected by the descriptive, cross-sectional andrandom survey among the adults, men and women prisoners. There are direct interviewsconducted by impartial volunteers to assure there is no bias within the collection ofinformation collected from the prisoners. A direct interview was taken from those prisonersby maintaining appropriate time and at a specific place within prison system where therewould be no distractions or influences from other prisoners. These random surveys took placein prisons within the United States with over 11 months of study collected. This wholeexperiment was designed for providing a clear and concise picture of the perceptions,experiences, and characteristics of prisoners in respect to substance abuse and crime (Lucia,2012). It is important to understand the statistics at the correctional institutional level in aneffort to produce overall statistics for the state on substance abuse and crime.Research Participants: Information utilized as a part of this review come principally from meetings with thereview members around three years after they were arbitrarily doled out to conditions.Interviews were directed in a private range, either in the workplaces of the Division of Paroleand Probation, in prison or jail, or in a group area (Lucia, 2012 and Gottfredson et al., 2008).There are a mix of male and female prisoners ranging in ages from 21 years of age to 45years old. All participants are aware of their rights in participation with this research programand everyone has agreed to the terms and conditions. The research participants are not underthe influence and agree to answer all questions truthfully without any repercussions from theparole board, prison or jail that he or she may currently be apart of.
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