
Exploring the Experiences of Individuals with Autism in Mainstream Education


Added on  2019-09-30

21 Pages5059 Words261 Views
Running Head: Health and Social CareHealth and Social Care: Researchingrepresenting and evidencing the social world-Autism Children in secondary school, Whatsupport should they receive for their leaning?
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2Health and Social CareTable of ContentsIntroduction................................................................................................................................3Representation of the topic in Media.........................................................................................4Analysis of data..........................................................................................................................5Literature Review.......................................................................................................................8About Autism.........................................................................................................................8Autism and school experiences............................................................................................10Importance of an inclusive educational facility in secondary mainstream schools.............11Research proposal....................................................................................................................12Justification of the topic.......................................................................................................12Research Questions..............................................................................................................12Research Objectives.............................................................................................................13Research Methodology.........................................................................................................13Ethical consideration............................................................................................................14Discussion................................................................................................................................14Conclusion................................................................................................................................16References................................................................................................................................17
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3Health and Social CareTopic: Topic Autism Children in secondary school, what support should they receivefor their leaningIntroduction This repeat too many autism it should more criticalAutism is one of the complex conditions which include impairments in interacting on socialground. Autism hinders the development of communication and language skills. It is aneurobehavioral condition which causes repetitive and rigid behaviours. It has a wide rangeof symptoms and it is currently termed as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD. The report hasbeen prepared with the aim of analysing Autism children in Secondary School so as toidentify workable support which should be provided to them for their learning. The childrenwith Autism also find it quite difficult to learn anything. They need special and institutionalcare in the school where they are supposed to be facilitated with a special curriculum ofeducation. The teachers of the secondary school should be able to understand therequirements of the children with Autism so that they could help those children with theneedful [ CITATION Kir161 \l 1033 ].It is not only the responsibility of the parents toprovide that children with a suitable learning environment but also the teachers should beresponsive in providing supportive educational and learning facilities to the children in thesecondary school. The autistic children should also receive the scope of learning and lead alife which would be compatible with them [ CITATION Gay14 \l 1033 ].It has also beenobserved that that high school going children with Autism sometimes have to leave theireducation behind because of inadequate learning support. This topic has been chosen forintricate analysis so that the difficulties with the children with Autism suffer in they aresecondary school could be provided with an effective plan of learning opportunity[ CITATION Mas171 \l 1033 ].
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4Health and Social CareReviewing the contextThis wrong contents to reviewing the context It should be more citiationand criticalIn England, there has been a program where three families from England have joined afterthey have won a judicial review right. The government of England has allocated funds to thelocal authorities with the aim of facilitating required provisions for education to be providedto more than 250,000 young people of England. The funding has been made to the Education,Health and Care (EHC) plan which has been developed for the children with special needs.The article has also highlighted that more than 14% of the total population of the schools ofEngland have been the children with autistic spectrum disorders. The National Association ofHeadteachers and the Local Government Association of England have highlighted the issueof shortage of resources and insufficient funds in England to be provided for the educationalfacilities of children with autism [ CITATION The192 \l 1033 ].Media/polices In order to understand how the educational system is trying to support Autism children, oneof the relevant media articles has been chosen. This article has been published in 2016. In thisarticle, the role of nature in nurturing students with special learning needs has beenhighlighted. Here, outdoor learning has been focused on as it has been proven that thestudents with special educational needs could become happier and healthier with the help ofoutdoor learning. One of the schools in London has been observed to have maintainedoutdoor learning such as “reading forest”. There are several other schools all over the worldwhich are looking at some innovative ideas with the aim of engaging all children and studentswith special educational needs [ CITATION Kir161 \l 1033 ].
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5Health and Social CarePLEASE CAN YOU CHANGE THIS TO UK LONDON NOT NEWYORK ALSONEEDED MORE CITATON IN THIS SECION Another media article which has been published in 2017 has highlighted the learningprocedures for the students with autism. The article highlights that paraprofessionals and notjust the teaching assistants who get assigned to assist the students in class but they also helpin assisting children with autism. The main theme of the article highlight that providingproper and adequate support to the Autism is of great importance. It is because it willeliminate the education and literacy differences within the economy. They help the childrento understand the ways they are supposed to interpret several aspects of the environment withthe aim of making the children happy. The paraprofessionals are supposed to guide autisticchildren and it helps to keep them out of any kind of trouble. Social interaction in theclassroom has also been highlighted as one of the major steps to help autistic children. Socialinteraction help the student to develop self-confidence which in return help the AutismStudent to develop their personalities and to shape their career. This article has beenimportant and relevant to the topic as it has highlighted some of the attempts the schoolactivities and the teachers should take in dealing with children with autism [ CITATIONKat172 \l 1033 ].Analysis of data More Citation need in this dataWorld Health Organisation states that one out of every 160 children suffers from AutisticSpectrum Disorder or Autism. It begins in childhood and persists into adulthood throughadolescence. There have been some people who live independently with autism. But there aresome people who suffer from severe disabilities and need lifelong support and care.Behavioural treatments can be crucial parts of evidence-based psychosocial interventions
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6Health and Social Carewhich could reduce difficulties in social behaviour and communication in the individualssuffering from Autism. Parents’ Skills Training Programs are also important interventiontools. These interventions leave behind a positive impact on quality and wellbeing of life notonly for the individuals with Autism but also for their caregivers. Interventions forindividuals with autism need to be supported by effective actions making social, physical,and attitudinal environments more inclusive, accessible, and supporters [ CITATION Wor181\l 1033 ]. The World Health Organisation also states that people suffering from autism aremore likely to become subject to discrimination, stigma, and human rights violations. Accessand support to services for individuals with autism are not adequate on a global platform.Some individuals with autism suffer from impaired social behaviours, language andcommunication difficulties, and low interests and body activities. Co-occurring conditionsinclude depression, epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, and anxiety.The degree of intellectual functioning also varies from one individual to another and couldextend from noticeable impairments to higher levels [ CITATION Wor181 \l 1033 ].In the United Kingdom, there have been almost 700,000 people suffering from Autism whichmeans one individual in every 100 individuals. To almost 2.8 million people, Autism hasbecome a part of their life. It has been reported that 34% of children with ASD are vulnerableto bullying and discrimination. Nearly, 70% of the autistic children do not get proper socialservice support. Only 16% of the total autistic adults get full-time employment opportunity inthe United Kingdom and 32% of autistic adults get the opportunity for paid work. But morethan 53% of the autistic adults seek employment opportunities out of which only 10% ofadults get employment support [ CITATION Nat184 \l 1033 ].As per the data finding presented by the World Bank, it has been observed that there has beenan increase in the literacy and educational alignment for the children with Autism but at a lowpace. The analysis has been done on the basis of census data gathered from19 countries. The
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