
The Importance of Dealing with Patients' Misconduct


Added on  2019-09-25

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Running head- Reflection PaperReflection Paper
The Importance of Dealing with Patients' Misconduct_1

1Reflection PaperSNPG950Reflection of EventWhatOne day in the morning when I was on duty in the medical ward I came along with an incident inwhich there was an allegation of physical assault with a patient. The patient was suffering fromthe Schizophrenia. He claimed that I assaulted him physically. After hearing the charges, I tried to understand it. On one hand I knew about the seriousness ofthe allegations if it was true, and therefore I was also aware of the potential harm that allegationsof a lie could be the reason for the professional integrity of 'special' which was involved in it. Iwas obviously aware of Lee's ability to confuse illusions, but I was also impressed with theapparent truth of his memory and by the fact that he was crying while he was remembering(Nicole MN et al., 2004). On balance, I believed the status of their account. That is why I felt that there is my ethical andprofessional duty to communicate the complaint to the Senior Ward Sister. After the discussionperiod with Ward Sister, I filled an accident report form (IR1), which was then sent to hospitalmanagement.After the incident, I used to experience the period of self-examination for a long time. I wasworried that if I was inadvertently in favor of a false accusation and had considered morespecifically the results of 'special' involved. After the period of acute reflection, I concluded thatdue to my professional duty to do my best to the patient, I had to take corrective action, rather itwas also that in these circumstances the patient's lawyer Was acting in the form of That seemedcompletely appropriate (Brooke C et al. 2007).
The Importance of Dealing with Patients' Misconduct_2

2Reflection PaperWard's sister's response seemed completely appropriate, I believe she went and talked to herselfand determined that there was enough evidence to make the incident reporting (IR1) suitable.This made me very convinced; Ward Sister also discussed the moral and implications of thesituation with me, both of which were professionally helpful and thoughtful, because she couldsee what I should do in these circumstances.So WhatThe theoretical elements of analysis of this situation are simple. Jasper, in his Analytical Series analysis (Jasper M 2007), acknowledges that part of the responsibility of being a professional businessman is to ensure that you can best care for your patients or customers. In the analysis of similar situation, the author is clear in his evaluation that the professional duty of the nurse is to share such reports of potential patient abuse with his immediate superiority.Even if the patient is due to 'low potential' or 'suspicious reliability' (Jasper M 2007 page 36),then they should be considered commercially 'weak' and more, less, security should be offered.A moral analysis can suggest that the nurse should invoke the principle of non-materialism,which was often derived from the quoted dictation of Hippocrates, stating that there should be no"first loss". (Carrick P. 2000) This theory pointed out those health professionals should ensurethat their patients are not harmed or harmed (van Ufelen JGZ et al. 2008).I had considered the possibility of talking to 'special' in an informal capacity, but came to theconclusion that there was nothing that they could say that would change the proper way ofaction. It agrees with Tschudin's opinion which analyzes similar situations (Tschudin, V 2003).
The Importance of Dealing with Patients' Misconduct_3

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