
Leadership Styles and Dynamics


Added on  2020-04-07

10 Pages2781 Words85 Views
Running head: LEADERSHIPLeadership- Case study analysis of Rob and EvansName of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
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1LEADERSHIPIntroductionEvans Breyer is the chairman of Growing Places. He has put in lot of efforts fortaking the company to the peak of success. Although this took a time of four years, however,the dedication, commitment and perseverance of Evans adds value to the time. As in all theworkplaces, there are spoilers; here Rob takes the role of spoiling Evans’ efforts by ruiningthe moral of the staffs, buying the customers and conquering the company’s share price(Bolman & Deal, 2017). However, patience of Evans nullifies Rob’s trick. Aggravation ofRob’s tactics attaches an interrogative parameter to Evans’ position. Therefore, the objectiveof the essay is to clarify the doubts regarding Evans’ resign.Leadership style of RobThere are various leadership styles-transformational, transactional, people-centred,production-centred, supportive, directive among others. Along with this, one of the othertypes of leadership is situational, which relates with the concept of “rags to riches”. Situationis the agent, which invokes the leader out of an individual (Northouse, 2015). Herein laysthe transformation from an ordinary individual to a leader. Transactional leadership canbe correlated with people-centred leadership. This is because here, the leader or the bosses,through their activities, ensure the wellbeing of the workplace people, which are thestakeholders, shareholders and other staffs. Production centred leadership contradicts people-centred leadership. This isbecause, thoughts related to the production of quality and branded products nullify thethoughts of ensuring the wellbeing of the employees and the customers. Countering this,production of quality products is for the customers (Nahavandi, 2016). Therefore, thoughtsrelated to the satisfaction of the customers are included within the practice of the productcentred leadership. Support of the stakeholders and shareholders assists the leaders toundertake the rightful for the betterment of the organization. On the contrary, misleading
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2LEADERSHIPdirection from the others deviates the leaders from the identified and the specified goals.Herein the directive leadership attains a negative leadership. Viewing it from the otherperspective, directing the employees properly, enhances the personality of the leaders (bossesand managers) in the minds of the employees (Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee, 2013). Thisgenerates within them an urge to expose better performance for the attainment ofprofessionalism in the right sense.Critical reflection of the leadership styles, transactional, people-centred, production-centred, supportive, directive leadership styles are the components of transformation of amanager towards leader. Counter arguing this, support is the keystone, which enhances therelationship between the leaders and the team members, enhancing the personality of theleader (manager) (Fairhurst & Connaughton, 2014). In contrast to this, Rob’s leadership can be considered directive to some extent, as hewas concerned only about the growth of the company instead of the people. Herein, the trueessence of leadership takes backseat. Delving deep into Rob’s attitude, he is loud, diplomatic,which are against the leadership traits. A leader is supposed to perform his duties silently forachievement of praises and recognition. Turnaround leadership can be applied in Robcontext through several connotations. One, it relates to the transformational leadership interms of altering the personality of an individual (Daft, 2014). This has positive as well asnegative as well as positive sides. However, in case of Rob, it is the negative, as he is onlyconcerned about how to restrict others from reaching to the peak of success. This is also alimitation of scope and arena of leadership skills and abilities. Based on the circumstances,the companies need to undertake decisions, which can prove right or wrong. This reflects thelife cycle of a workplace like Growing Places.
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