
Nursing Practice Essay 2022


Added on  2022-09-17

7 Pages2105 Words18 Views
Running head: NURSING 1
Caring is essential part of Nursing practice. Effective caring helps nurses to know about
the Client needs, illness, their behavior as well as problem that guides them in making quality
intervention and offer opportunities to apply their own knowledge in decision making process.
This essay discusses issues dealing with the NMBA standards and the RNs for practice (2016)
guide (Melnyk, GallagherFord, Long & FineoutOverholt, 2014). RN practice refers person-
centred as well as evidence-based with curative, preventative, supportive, formative as well as
palliative elements (Garrison, 2019). On the other hand, according to some researchers NMBA
standards sets out conduct expectation, professional behavior and the legal requirements for
nurses. This paper is separated into different sections (Cusack, 2018). There is section A and B
with different questions that touch on various areas. This paper will discuss some of the issues
related to NMBA standards and the RNs for practice for the year 2016.
According to the code of conduct for professional nurses which elucidates the values of
professional behavior which control safe practice, as well as clearly highlights the conduct
anticipated of professional nurses by the community and their coworkers, it is true that Mary
does not meet the NMBA standards in applying person-centered as well as evidence-based care
for the delivery of safe as well as quality care.
Person-centered simply means focusing care on the person’s needs rather than of the
service’s needs. Person-centered required that the staff of the health care should cater for the
needs of their clients. In this case study, we find that most of the residents complained that Mary
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does not perform the duty assigned to her. The residents complained that Marry does not change
Wet bed sheet. The code of conduct requires health care employees to be flexible to satisfy the
desires of the people that they are caring for. Also, the health care employees should be flexible
in satisfying the needs of the people that they are serving. Being person-centered simply means
that the health care workers should have the person’s comfort, safety as well as well-being in
their minds. But in this case, Mary did not care for the safety and comforts of the residents that
she was serving. From the definition, we find that patient-centred emphasizes joint working in
health care between healthcare professionals and Patients, acknowledge patients’ values and
preferences as well as promote flexibility more so in the provision of services of health. In this
case study, it is true that Mary does not acknowledge Patient’s values and preferences (Cowin,
Riley, Heiler & Gregory, 2019). For instance, she failed to cater for the needs of the people.
Mary should try to protect the interest of the residents regardless of their gender, culture,
political beliefs and religion (Fencl & Matthews, 2017). The code of conduct also require the
health care workers to apply a variety of strategies as well as the evidence in decision making,
and providing safe nursing practice within evidence-based frameworks. In the case study, Mary
never use the best evidence in making decisions on things that she should do to the residents in
order to encourage safe quality practice. Therefore, it is true that the conduct of Mary fell below
the set standard required in the code. This made her not to care about the residents.
To me, the evidence in the case study cannot make me to believe that Mary who is a
nurse has created therapeutic, person-centred relationships with all of her clients. Therapeutic,
person-centred relations refer to a caring correlation that supports the well-being of the patient.
The main components needed to create a therapeutic relationship are respect, trust, showing a
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genuine empathy, and interest. It is true that most of the Clients have lost trust and respect for
Mary because of the way she handle the residents.
Marry could form therapeutic, person-centred relationships with all the clients when she:
feel empathy for the client, and have unconditional positive regard for the resident (Cashin et al.
2015). Mary should also respect and show genuine interest for the client.
Creation of a therapeutic relationship remains a crucial step in the recovery process. It
will make the relationship between Mary and Clients to be productive. The key important
element in therapeutic relationship is trust (Edmonds, Cashin & Heartfield, 2016). Therefore, a
therapeutic relationship is quite essential for the creation of strong relationship.
It is reasonable for the peers of Mary to report her conduct to the manager. This is
because the nurse manager remains responsible for creating healthy, safe environments that
contribute to clients’ engagement and support the work of the professional team. The Nurse
Manager will help in the creation of a professionally environment as well as nurturing a culture
where all the nurses are able to grow professionally (Takashima, Burmeister, Ossenberg &
Henderson, 2019). When the conduct of Mary fell below the set code of conduct, she should be
reported to the manager so that the manager can address the situation before the care of residents
becomes affected. Reporting the case to the manager will enable Mary to enhance her practice
with the residents. Also, when Mary is reported to the manager by her peers, the manager will
provide her with the necessary skills to move forward in her careers. Though many researchers
argue that a fellow worker should not report a colleague to the management, to me, I believe that
a lazy worker should be reported to the top management for the necessary actions to be taken by
the management (Cusack, 2018). Therefore, a fellow worker who is not performing should be
reported to the manager.
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