
Discussion on the social determinants


Added on  2022-08-20

10 Pages2759 Words15 Views
Running head: NURSING
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Discussion on the social determinants_1

Type 2 Diabetes refer to a type of diabetes that is characterized by high rate of blood sugar,
relative lack of insulin as well as insulin resistance. Type 2 diabetes process the potential to
drastically enhance the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, nerve damage as well as
narrowing of the blood vessels. As per the data obtained from Cdc.gov., (2020), more than 30
million Americans are found to suffering from diabetes, while approximately 95 percent of them
possess type 2 diabetes. While the mentioned heath issue mostly affects people over the age of
forty five, it has been seen that in USA, even children between the he age range of 9 to 14,
adolescents as well as young adults are also suffering from type 2 diabetes. In the following
paragraph, a detailed discussion on the social determinates of health and their contribution in
solving the issue, interpreting epidemiologic studies which has been showed for identifying the
health issue, analysis of the role of primary health care nurses in USA and reflection on the us e
of cultural competence in healthcare for addressing this issue, has been conducted.
Discussion on the social determinants of health
The social determinants of heath refers to the circumstances in which an individuals is
born, grown, work as well as aged. These circumstances are shaped on the basis of the
distribution of money, resources and power at global, national and local levels. According to
Ogunsola & Binuomoyo, (2014), the social determinists are found to have direct relation to the
incidence associated with Type 2 diabetes in USA. In the nation, the type 2 diabetes program are
found to be focusing on the biological as well as behavioral factor that incudes symptom diet
along with physical activity. However it is crucial for addressing the effect of physical as well as
social environments that comprise of low income, low educational attainment, employment in
security, poor health outcomes a living condition.
Discussion on the social determinants_2

According to Hill, Nielsen and Fox, (2013), considering the fact that Diabetes type 2 have
reached to an epidemic level, its increment is typically related to the biological characteristics of
the health care service users along with the behavioral influences. The chief biological factors
that are associated with the genetic predisposition for the action for other medical condition that
include factors like age, family history, usage of atypical antipsychotics and testosterone
deficiency. When it comes to behavioral influences, it includes factors like physical inactivity as
well as inadequate sleep. The association with type 2 diabetes as well as obesity is
multifunctional and thus can further complicate the prevention as well as management.
However, amongst the above discussed social health determinants that are resulting in type
2 diabetes, equity as well as lack of effective social justice have contributed to the occurrence of
the diseases to a great level. In USA, the occurrence as well as occurrence of the type 2 diabetes
is found to be socially graded. Individuals who possess lower income and with lo educational
qualifications are 2 to 4 times more likely to develop the chronic disease. High cost of the
healthcare services as well as high rate of discrimination can be pointed out to be one of the chief
reasons behind this. For people who are below the poetry line, the constant struggle of making
the two ends meet, lack of nutritious diet as well as high stress leads to diabetes type 2 (Clark &
Utz, 2014). Chronic stress, in turn lead to higher amount of metal diseases which in turn
intensify the probability of self-destructive performances and choices. Over the time, these
physiological issues along with harmful psychological replies as well as behavioral practices
enhance the probability of obesity as well as Type 2 diabetes.
Epidemiological studies on Diabetes type 2
Discussion on the social determinants_3

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