1CHRISTIANITY WORLDVIEW The provided reading has described about the features and essence of naturalism in the course of Christian worldviews. The book or reading provided here is written by J.W. Sire and it was published in the year 2009 (Sire, 2009).In the book’s arguments, the author has argued on the definite features of reality. Here the author has mentioned that the exhaustion of reality is done by nature. So, he thinks there is no supernatural element included in it. The author has also stressed on the use of various scientific methods that will measure the original reality of the context (Papineau, 2007).The different realms of reality also include the spirit of the human beings also. The arguments presented on the worldview of Sire surrounds the fact that matter is the ultimate reality (Sire, 2009).The existence of matter is eternal and it is the ultimate thing that exists. He also argues on the issue that cosmos exists within the closed system. It is bound through the cause and effect system and this is the actual nature of the external reality. He also argues on the fact that death will result in the ending of individuality among the people. This fact can be questioned because several religious worldviews have supported the notion of the life after death (Papineau, 2007).Therefore, the extinction of personality cannot be considered as the be-all and end-all. The one argument i.e. very true in this discourse is that of the human beings to be consideredasverycomplicatedmachines.Theyareindeedverycomplicatedandtheir mechanisms are aimed at achieving superior success in the world. It is not always feasible that the ethics is true only for the human beings (Sire, 2009).The question of ethics is also relevant for different creatures. It has also been argued by the author that the various core components of naturalism will depend on the options that are chosen by certain individuals (Papineau, 2007).
2CHRISTIANITY WORLDVIEW The context of death as argued by the author of the book can also be countered as said before. The features of naturalism are really belonging to different notions.
3CHRISTIANITY WORLDVIEW References Papineau, D. (2007). Art.„Naturalism “.e Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2016 Edition,hg.vonEdwardN.Zalta),URL:https://plato.stanford. edu/archives/win2016/entries/naturalism. Sire, J. W. (2009).The universe next door: A basic worldview catalog. InterVarsity Press.