
CMI 312 Managing Daily Activities


Added on  2020-12-24

21 Pages5032 Words453 Views
Assessment booklet: Managing Daily Activities to Achieve Results
Each task in this assessment booklet has been developed to enable you to evidence achievement of the learning
outcomes and assessment criteria for CMI 312: Managing Daily Activities to Achieve Results. Each of the
assessment criteria must gain a pass outcome for you to successfully achieve the unit.
Preparation for the assessment
Before you begin the assessment booklet please read the CMI 312 unit specification thoroughly as only the
content related to the achievement of the assessment criteria will be assessed.
Research the topics being assessed. Suggested reading/web resources are provided on the CMI 312 unit
specification. Your tutor may signpost you to relevant resources. Additionally you may access excellent
online resources at ManagementDirect https://members.md.cmi.org.uk.
If you are enrolled on the Trailblazer Apprenticeship programme you are encouraged to review the
Apprenticeship Standard for Team Leader/Supervisor.
Completing the assessment booklet
The assessment booklet contains a series of tasks which are clearly referenced to the relevant assessment
criteria and indicative content.
Refer to the Assessment Guidance Table at the end of the assessment booklet which outlines the
requirements for a Pass or Refer.
Evidence must be provided in the main body of the assignment booklet. Additional work based evidence
such as plans or documentation (which has been referred to within the main text) should be included at the
end of the booklet marked ‘Work Based Evidence’. Appendices are not a requirement of this assessment
brief. If appendices are included these will not be marked or moderated by the CMI.
Work based evidence must be accompanied by a supporting statement in the learner evidence box, to
explain the link to the assessment criteria. Work based evidence (where required by the task) must not
exceed SIX (6) pages. Files embedded in the booklet must not exceed 10MB.
The assessment booklet must be completed in a professional manner (e.g. applying business conventions
for writing formal reports) and by using Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format or another compatible software
The assessment booklet must be saved as a word document (.doc or .docx) and not in a PDF format.
An appropriate referencing system (such as Harvard Referencing) must be used to ensure the original
source(s) of quotations or models can be verified.
Finally, you must sign the Learner Authenticity statement (an electronic signature is accepted).
Learner support
For information regarding policies and procedures for assessment (e.g. special assessment arrangements, learner
support, appeals, complaints, certification, confidentiality, plagiarism) you should contact your tutor or Centre
manager and refer to the CMI Level 3 in Principles in Management and Leadership Syllabus.
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Learner statement of
I confirm that the attached completed assignment is all my own work, and does not
include any work completed by anyone other than myself. I have completed the
assignment in accordance with the Institute’s approved instructions.
Tick here to opt out I consent for this assignment to be used for assessment standardisation and where
appropriate, for the dissemination of good practice, on the understanding that the
content is anonymised.
Centre statement of
On behalf of <CENTRE NAME>, I confirm that the above mentioned learner is
registered at the centre on a Chartered Management Institute (CMI) programme of
study. The learner is, to the best of my knowledge, the sole author of the completed
The written word, however generated and recorded, is still expected to form the majority of assessable work
produced by Learners at Level 3. The amount and volume of work for this unit should be broadly comparable to a
word count of 2000-2500 words within a margin of +10%. The excessive use of word count is not grounds for
referral, however the CMI reserve the right to return work to the Centre for editing and resubmission by the Learner.
The following are excluded from inclusion in word count if used and not required by the assessment brief an
introduction to a job role, organisation or department, index or contents pages, headings and sub headings,
diagrams, charts and graphs, reference list or bibliography, reflective statement drawn from undertaking the
assignment and how this has impacted the learners work.
Please see the CMI Assessment Guidance Policy for further guidance.
High performing individuals impact on the performance of teams and the organisation. The aim of this assessment
booklet is to enable managers to evidence their understanding of how to use their knowledge, skills and abilities to
support individuals, not only to perform well, but to exceed expectations.
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You are the manager of a small team which offers technical support to other departments.
Your team’s routine activities are to install, monitor and maintain IT systems, solve problems and faults,
communicate with internal customers via telephone, email and livechat. Non-routine activities are to attend
training courses on updates to new IT systems
Team member A works full time and has been with the team for five years. Confident and experienced, A has
developed their own way of doing things which does not follow organisational procedures.
Team member B works full time and has been with the team three months. B is just learning the job and needs
extra support.
Team member C works Tuesday to Thursday, has been with the team two years, and is reliable and hard working.
Team member D works term time, school hours, and has been with the team for three years. D has not attended
the training in the upgrades to the system provided over the Summer holiday period.
Scenario A can be used to answer Tasks 1a, b and c, 2a and b, 3a, b, c and d and 4a. Alternatively, you may
base your response on a team you manage or an organisation/team you know well or may have researched.
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TASK 1: The purpose of daily work activities in the context of an
When working in a management role, it is important that you understand how working efficiently contributes to the
success of the individual, the team and the organisation.
Scenario A (shown on page 3) can be used to answer Tasks 1a, b and c. Alternatively, you may base your
response on a team you manage or an organisation/team you know well or may have researched.
» TASK 1a
A working day is typically made up of a series of routine and non routine activities:
Routine activities: these are typically completed daily or weekly, such as production, administrative and
security tasks, reporting, health and safety, equipment usage;
Non routine activities: these may occur infrequently or unexpectedly such as training, managing emergencies
and special projects
Using examples, assess the scope and purpose of TWO (2) routine daily work activities and TWO (2) non routine
daily work activities in the context of the organisation.
(Refer to AC1.1 Assess the scope and purpose of daily work activities in the context of an organisation and the
Indicative Content for this AC)
Routine daily work activities
Example Assessment of the scope and purpose
Production Production can be referred to significant routine activity which attempts to
fulfil requirement of the consumers in an ideal manner. The scope of
production management can be said to be vast as it encompasses
acquisition of land, machinery and equipment so that saleable products
are produced and delivered.
Administrative and security tasks The purpose of administrative activities relates to drafting documents and
report which are necessary for carrying out daily activities. The purpose of
security task which has been undertaken by the organisation revolves
around protection and preservation of the sensitive data along with
making sure that chances of accident could be minimised. The scope of
administrative activities is wide as it is responsible planning future
endeavour of business and development of projects.
Non-routine daily work activities
Example Assessment of the scope and purpose
Training Training is an attempt to which a business aims to enhance the manner in
which operations are carried out within an organisation. The scope of
training largely depends upon the employees which are to be trained.
Managing Emergencies The Emergency management is an approach through which a business
attempts to deal with the crisis situation in the business organisation. The
scope of this routine activity is limited as it aims to identify key roles and
responsibilities which are to be allotted to key personnel.
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» TASK 1b
Individuals and teams are required to work within legal and organisational frameworks. Some legal frameworks
apply to all organisations, whilst others are specific to the organisation and the industry it is part of.
Using examples, identify TWO (2) legal and TWO (2) organisational frameworks which impact on the way a team
delivers its daily work activities.
(Refer to AC1.2 Identify the legal and organisational frameworks which impact on how a team delivers daily work
activities and the Indicative Content for this AC)
Legal frameworks
1. The employment law stands most crucial which definitely impacts the manner in which operations are
delivered. This law has been recognised to regulate relationship which has been shared between employers
and employees in an organisation through emphasizing on the recruitment, terms and conditions of
employment and data protection.
2. Health and safety frameworks which has been provided by the government alters manner in which services
are carried out. The HSW is an institution which is known to deliver guidelines and code of conduct of
business organisation relating to health and safety practices in the country. The approaches to health and
safety are mostly dependent upon the size and field in which operations are carried out.
Organisational frameworks
1. The business governance can be referred to as paramount components of the organisational frameworks
which is being practised in an organisation. The governance consist of rules and policies which are being
utilised by the management for the purpose of maintaining a balance between demands and expectations of
various stakeholders.
2. Processes and procedures which are undertaken by an organisation can determine the manner in which
results are delivered. The procedures are known to encompass broad guidelines which determine manner
through which business planning along with means of auditing of performance will be determined.
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