
Understanding the Role and Impact of Psychologists: A Comprehensive Analysis in Social Science


Added on  2023-04-25

7 Pages1945 Words106 Views
Healthcare and Research
Running head: SOCIAL SCIENCE
Social Science
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Author Note
Understanding the Role and Impact of Psychologists: A Comprehensive Analysis in Social Science_1

A psychologist refers to an individual who studies normal as well as abnormal
physiological states, emotional, cognitive as well as social processes along with behavior of an
individual by observing, interpreting as well as interpreting how individuals relate to one another
as well as their environment. Generally, in order to pursue this degree a person needs to have a
graduation degree in psychology. However, in majority of the jurisdiction, members of other
behavioral professions like counselors as well as psychologists also possess the potential to
evaluate, diagnose, treat, and study psychological processes. The aim of this essay is to
demonstrate knowledge , understanding and critical analysis of the foundation, development and
changes of the psychologist profession, with particular focus on Policy and Regulation,
occupational closure strategies, status and power position in relation to the mentioned profession,
the job market and society. The paper will discuss the chief duties, responsibilities and tasks of
the mentioned occupation along with the types of services provided by it. Along with this, a
brief analysis of literatures relevant to the psychologist profession will also be performed
focusing on the historical emergence as well as development of the profession. This will be
followed by a critical analysis of the relevant policies as well as legislation associated with the
psychologist profession in UK. Along with this, the impact of the emergence, development and
changes of the chosen profession on the society will also be discussed. Finally the success and
downfalls evidenced by the psychologist profession will be discussed in this report.
In this paragraph description of the chief duties, responsibilities and task of the
psychologist profession along with the type of service provided by the psychologists in UK has
been discussed. The profession of a psychologist can be segregated into several types that
include child psychologist, clinical philologist, counseling psychologist, forensic Psychologist
and others. However, the chief duty of a psychologist operating at any of the above mentioned
Understanding the Role and Impact of Psychologists: A Comprehensive Analysis in Social Science_2

field is to assess the mental state of the client and provide him or her with short term help.
According to Swinsonand Stringer 2018, the chief role of the psychologist is to assess, diagnose
as well as treat physiological issues or behavioral dysfunction resulting from or is associated
with both physical and mental health. Their chief responsibilities are to eliminate psychological
issues of the patient through proper assessment, goal setting and therapy. The chief services
provided by the mentioned occupational group include evaluation as well as treatment for
attention or behavior related issues, academic difficulties or developmental disorders including
autism, social and emotional difficulties, including depression and anxiety.
In this paragraph, analysis of literatures relevant to the psychologist profession has been
performed focusing on the historical emergence as well as development of the profession. When
it comes to the history of the psychologist profession, philosophical interest in the human mind
as well as behavior dates back to the ancient civilization of Persia, Greece, china, India and
Egypt. According to Farrell and Woods (2017) till the 1870s psychology was considered to be
the part of philosophy. According to Tod and Eubank (2017) Psychology first got developed as
an independent scientific discipline In Germany and United state. Wilhelm Wundt, in
Leipzig Germany was the 1st individual who founded a laboratory dedicated exclusively to
psychological research. Tsahaeva et al. (2016) stated that, Wundt was also the first individual
who referred himself as a psychologist. The profession of psychologist chiefly emerged in order
to treat individuals who were suffering from psychological issues and demonstrating unusual
behaviors. According to Brennan and Houde (2017) prior to the emergence of the mentioned
profession, individuals with psychological disorders were kept social isolated and was
discriminated by the society. As a result of this, a good number of individuals suffering from
psychological issues have lost their life. The mentioned profession was developed to eliminate
Understanding the Role and Impact of Psychologists: A Comprehensive Analysis in Social Science_3

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