
A Study of Educational Institutions for Kids in London: Kidzania and Running Wild


Added on  2024-05-30

21 Pages6589 Words482 Views
A Study of Educational Institution for Kids in London
A Study of Educational Institutions for Kids in London: Kidzania and Running Wild_1

Table of Contents
LO1 Conduct appropriate research methodology which integrates knowledge into the research
Based on your chosen business research project, produce a research proposal that clearly defines
a research question or hypothesis, supported by a literature review [P1].......................................3
In order to carry out the research, examine appropriate research methods and conduct primary
and secondary research [P2]............................................................................................................6
LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research project..................................9
Based on your chosen business research project, conduct primary and secondary research using
appropriate methods that take into account costs, access and ethical issues [P3]...........................9
Having collected your primary research, apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse research
findings and data [P4]....................................................................................................................13
LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.......................16
Now that you have completed your research project, communicate the research outcomes in an
appropriate manner for the intended medium [P5]........................................................................16
LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.....................................18
To help you learn from the research project, reflect on the effectiveness of research methods you
applied for meeting the objectives of your chosen business research project [P6].......................18
Evaluate alternative research methodologies and lessons you have learnt in view of the outcomes
of your research project [P7].........................................................................................................18
Reference list.................................................................................................................................20
A Study of Educational Institutions for Kids in London: Kidzania and Running Wild_2

The advancement of technology changes the educational process and the way of socialisation of
the children. This particular research project sheds light on the educational system of kids in
London. Hence this particular research focuses on two organisations named Kidzania London
and Running Wild, which are considered for two of the best entertainment and intellectual world
for the kids. The advancement of technology has made it possible to have intellectual toys, which
are reliable to offer the kids the fastest global teachings. It has been seen that kids can adopt a
lesson very easily with practical application. Nowadays, the education system of kids in London
and other developed country is based on realistic role play, which is reliable to let kids have fun
to study. The objective of this particular research project is to look into how much effective and
interesting the new education system of kids is. The particular research project aims to evaluate
how Kidzania and Running Wild influence the kids to learn in the most effective and fastest way.
In addition, this particular research project also discusses how this new education system impacts
the relationship of the kids with their parents.
LO1 Conduct appropriate research methodology which integrates knowledge into the
research process
Based on your chosen business research project, produce a research proposal that clearly
defines a research question or hypothesis, supported by a literature review [P1]
Research aim
The aim of this particular research project is to sheds light on how technology is changing the
way of Kids to learn and socialise with their parents and others. This particular research project
also aims the impact of technological advancement on the thinking and focus of children.
The primary objective:
To understand if kids in London prefer Kidzania or Running Wild in the traditional parks and to
look into the ways children play and prefer to learn
A Study of Educational Institutions for Kids in London: Kidzania and Running Wild_3

The secondary objectives:
The secondary objectives of the particular research project are as follows:
To determine how technology has changed educational childhood
How technology affects children’s social skills
How technology has changed the way children play
How technology has changed family and community life over the time
To explore negative and positive effects of technology on kids
To describe how technology is having a serious impact on the development of the
To evaluate how technology is changing the way children think and focus
Research question
Do kids prefer to spend time at Kidzania or Running Wild in the London with their
How does technology impact the growth and development of kids?
Rationale of the study
The advancement of technology is changing every aspect of society for some last few decades
long. It has been seen that the growth of technology has left a major impact on the growth and
development of the children. It is because the technological advancement changes the way of
early education for the kids. Technological advancement makes it is possible to let kids be
familiar with the digital world of communication. In addition, now for educating kids the highly
intellectual toys are used (Cormier and Hagman, 2014). Hence, it has been seen that children
become more interested in playing outdoor games than indoor games. The development of
technology has left both positive and negative impact on the growth and development of kids.
Hence, a major change in the behaviour of the kids is phenomenon globally. Therefore
conducting this research project will be highly valuable in order to learn how the kids of today
prefer to have education and recreation. The growth of technology also impacts the relationship –
chemistry between children and parents (Bondi and Matthews, 2017). The growth of technology
has enhanced the learning skills of the kids. However, it destroys the scope for kids to have
traditional socialisation. Hence, conducting this research project is highly reliable and
A Study of Educational Institutions for Kids in London: Kidzania and Running Wild_4

reasonable to understand the future of next generation. On the other hand, the study of this
research project is also valuable in order to draw the attention of the educators and guardians on
the negative development and behaviour of the kids and the odd interaction of the kids (Harlen,
Brief literature review
As opined by Bowen (2018), technology has changed the ways of early education for the kids.
Today, the classroom for the kids are found as the most colourful and highly equipped to have
attraction of the kids on study. Today’s kids prefer to play with such kind of toys, which are
considered highly advanced in terms of being fascinated with digital world. Most of the kids of
today prefers to fun in playing intellectual video game. In addition, the kids of today become also
aware to handle social networking communication. Nowadays, in their study, digital
communication is considered. Hence, today’s kids are becoming habituated with virtual
communication. Thus the kids of today has started be highly unsocial in terms of having
traditional interaction and communication with the parents and others in society. It is argued by
Kilpatrick (2014) that the kids of today only get the chance to be socialised with the people in
society in some public or private occasions. Hence, the kids of today lack sense how to interact
with the elders, juniors and similar aged kids. On the other hand, nowadays digital
communication is accessible to the students. Hence, adult advertisements are also visible to the
kids. It leaves a negative impact on the growth and development of the kids (Tyner, 2014).
According to Ballantine et al. (2017), in London, in order to inspire kids to learn via realistic role
play, there are organisations like Kidzania and Running Wild, which host entertainment for the
kids. In Addition, the two organisations gives the kids to spend time with their parents. On the
other hand, there is a deal of advanced puppets which children highly prefer to play. Kidzania is
considered as an interactive city for the kids, where the kids can spend their time with advance
puppets and equipments with their parents (Sousa, 2016). Kidzania aims to be one of the fastest
growing global learning and entertainments brands in the world. On the other hand, Running
Wild is also considered as one of the prettiest parks for the children. In the Running Wild, there
are amazing puppets of animals such as tiger, elephant and a whole buffoonery of orangutangs.
There the kids can experience how the war horses look like and who was their role in the war.
Thus, Running Wild is highly reliable children’s park in order to experience virtual world of
A Study of Educational Institutions for Kids in London: Kidzania and Running Wild_5

flora and fauna (Tizard et al., 2017). The main attraction of Running Wild is the prettiest
theatres, where mainly the animated films for the kids are shown. It is a good park, where the
kids can spend a good time with their parents (Ballantine et al., 2017).
Kidzania and Running Wild bother are focused for providing kids to experience an advanced
world of digital technology. Kidzania mainly focuses to motivate the kids with the set of
advanced indoor game. On the other hand, Running Wild gives priority to draw the attention of
the kids on flora and fauna. In the theatre of Running Wild, the kids get introduced with
animatography. In addition, in the theatre there is shown fables, which helps the kids to gains the
knowledge of rich ethics. However, according to Wright (2015), kids would prefer to spend time
at Kidzania on regular basis. However, in the Running Wild, people would not like to go
regularly. In support, Woodhead (2015) said that Running Wild is the place, which arranges a
bigger recreation for the kids. On the other hand, there the kids also make adventurous fun.
Running Wild is quite similar like a zoo. The difference is that in the zoo, there are seen real
animals. In running wild, the puppets of animals are seen with digital sound effect. This place is
suitable to visit monthly in a year. However, Kidzania is perfect for the kids to enjoy week end.
Kidzania and Running Wild both have made a perfect world for the kids in terms of bettering
their interaction with the parents and boosting the learning skills of the kids. With the
performance of the two organisations, the positive and negative impact of technology in the
growth and development of the kids is phenomenon.
In order to carry out the research, examine appropriate research methods and conduct
primary and secondary research [P2]
Research philosophy
For conducting a particular research successfully, it is essential to choose the appropriate
research philosophies. There are four types of research philosophies such as positivism, post
positivism, realism and interpretivism. Out of four philosophies, choosing positivism will be
highly reliable and reasonable in order to conduct this particular research project. It is because
positivism philosophy allows the research to take the helps of scientific principles in terms of
understanding the reasons how technology impacts the growth and development of the kids. In
A Study of Educational Institutions for Kids in London: Kidzania and Running Wild_6

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