
Tobacco Market - Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-08-23

31 Pages8095 Words368 Views
Higher EducationDisease and DisordersHealthcare and ResearchPhilosophyStatistics and Probability
Tobacco Market -  Assignment PDF_1

As tobacco has become one of the major cause of different health issues therefore this study aims
to evaluate the policy initiatives in termination of tobacco addiction and smoking. For the
purpose study chooses UK as a sample and then tries to figure out the extent and prevalence of
the tobacco usage and the associated health issues. In the study qualitative study design was used
on the basis of secondary data to analyze the issue under consideration. As the study is desk
research therefore previous literature was used to address the issue under consideration. The
findings on the basis of literature review reveals that in developed countries there was more
prevalence of tobacco usage which was reducing the life expectancy in those regions. Keeping in
view the drastic impacts of smoking on health particularly in the form of heart issues and cancer
several programs for the smoking cessation were introduced which helps the smokers to quit it.
However, on most instances these programs failed as smokers cannot quit smoking. Therefore,
study concludes that tobacco usage is one of the worst problem adversely affecting health which
has capacity to kill its half of the lifetime users hence it is necessary to tackle this issue on
immediate basis.
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1.1 Overview
Tobacco smoking is causing death losses for more than 5 million people across the globe
(D. Mathers et al., 2006). It has been estimated that currently almost 1 billion of world’s
population smokes tobacco the prevalence of which can be viewed up to 80% in developing
countries (P. Jha et al.,2002). However, it has been found that the prevalence of tobacco smoking
varies across the countries (Lopez et al., 1994). Due to deadly effects of tobacco on health
especially on mental health different countries have implemented programs for smoking control
due to which there observed a substantial fall in the tobacco smoking while on the other hand its
prevalence is increasing in some countries.
With the evolve of different tobacco control efforts, different approaches were
introduced. The most common approach in this regard is population-based approach. This
approach encompasses increased number of taxes, educating public by using mass media
campaigns and health warnings like “Smoking kills”. Besides this for controlling tobacco use
some governments put restrictions on the marketing of tobacco along with introducing smoke-
free indoor environment.
Several policies were devised to control tobacco use i.e., FCTC (Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control) introduced by WHO and the policy package of MPOWER which
incorporates; Monitor the tobacco usage, protect general public, offer several policies, warn
people from deadly effects of tobacco use, enforce rule and regulations to top the prevalence of
tobacco and raise voice against its usage. Besides these several other policy interventions were
introduced to control tobacco usage. In order to analyze the impacts of different policies on the
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extent and prevalence of tobacco usage this study will first discuss the background of the tobacco
usage in United Kingdom. In the study UK will be selected as a sample which supposed to
represent the whole. The second part of the chapter will present the rationale of selecting tobacco
usage as an issue affecting health then the study will discuss the underlying aims and objectives
under which the study has been conducted.
1.2 Background
Lopez et al., (1997) conducted a study to analyze the impacts of tobacco on health where
he maintained that a study carried out by Harvard University School of Public Health in year
1997 found that due to tobacco usage the mortality and morbidity will tend to increase three
times in coming 20 to 25 years. According to Doll (1996), In 1950 a study carried out in Oxford
University was the first one in which the tobacco smoking was regarded as a main source of lung
cancer. Besides these, several other studies were conducted where the results reveal that Cancer
and other diseases involving cardiovascular and chronic obstructive diseases are those caused by
the tobacco usage. There observed an extensive database where the positive association among
the specific diseases and tobacco usage in the form of cigarette smoking was presented. In 2004
a report presented by Center for Disease Control and Prevention maintained that due to tobacco
usage there occurred 2600 diseases because of cardiovascular disease in US which postulates a
single depth in every 33 seconds. Also, due to smoking the incidences of heart diseases increases
four times s it was before.
Boyle (1996) in his studies maintained that European health experts analyze that in
developed countries the tobacco usage is causing deaths of 24 percent males and 7 percent
females these figures further rise in case of eastern Europe and United States. He presented the
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report by WHO in 1997 where It has been found that the average life span of a tobacco smoker
decreased by eight years. Statistics presented by United Kingdom doctors holds that the death
rates in the middle ages were more in those who smoke as compared to those who does not.
There observed an increase in the life expectancy in United Kingdom among those who quit
smoking during their middle ages. Also, it was found that tobacco is killing three million people
every year whose trend is increasing now-a-days to the extent that in near future there will be 10
million deaths recorded every year if no proper measure adopted. Keeping in view the above
statistics it was found that tobacco has become the main cause of death at early years of life in
most of the developed countries which is expected to become a leading cause of adult death
across the world. In developed countries there observed large impacts of smoking on men where
in middle age most deaths occurred out of which approximately one-fifth deaths occurred due to
cancer (WHO, 1997)
1.3 Project Rationale or Justification
The main purpose of this project is to understand that why is it important to have the
smoking cessation and tobacco dependency treatment policies and also understanding the past
policies taken by the government of UK over the years and study the facts about how successful
these were and how can we improve it further for the wellbeing of the society. The main goal of
smoke-free legislation and regulations is to shield nonsmokers from passive smoking. Smoke-
free policies, on the other hand, will empower and assist tobacco consumers in quitting and
preventing the development of tobacco use. Various federal and accessible studies have shown
that enacting smoke-free regulations and policies will improve smoking reduction and minimize
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cigarette consumption amongst employees and the general public, as well as reduce youth
cigarette smoking.
1.4 Research Aims and Objectives
1.4.1 Research Aim
This study aims to evaluate the policy initiatives of UK in termination of tobacco
addiction and smoking in the country. These initiatives have the keen importance as they play a
critical role in assisting the addicts who want to quit and the UK nationals who want the
smoking-free community.
1.4.2 Research Objectives
The research study has the following objectives:
To evaluate the prevalence of tobacco addiction and smoking in UK
To evaluate the initiatives of UK government in terminating the tobacco addiction and
smoking from the country.
To evaluate the current scenario of tobacco addiction and smoking in the UK.
To review the literature on tobacco addiction, smoking and policy initiatives in their
To understand the strategy initiatives in improving heart issue among adults.
To give new policy recommendations related to smoking cessation.
1.5 Research Questions
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This Research study has the following research questions:
What are the previous policies related to management of tobacco addiction and smoking
termination in UK?
What are the current issues of tobacco addiction and smoking in the UK? ·
1.6 Significance of the Study
The findings of this research study will help the research students and competent authorities to
understand the in-depth knowledge regarding the tobacco addiction and its policy framework in
UK. Moreover, it will highlight the importance of proper planning before initating any policy
related to tobacco termination in the UK. Therefore, this study will provide the significance of
tobacco termination that will also help to identify and overcome the challenges and barriers
during its termination.
1.7 Outline of the Study
This research study is divided into five chapters. Chapter one defines overview,
background and historical context of the problem under consideration. In the way, research
aim/objectives, research questions and the significance of study are also presented by this
chapter. Review of literature regarding the tobacco addiction, smoking and policies in their
termination is compiled in chapter two. The methodology to find out the answer to research
questions is given in chapter three while chapter four presents the finding and discussion of the
study. The final chapter concludes the study while highlighting the key findings and providing
policy implications.
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2.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with a set of techniques for finding an answer
to the research questions of the study in a systematic way. As, Kothari (2004)
theorized that research methodology deals with the methods and techniques
which a researcher adopts in their research study for answering the particular
research questions in a systematic manner while defining the logics behind the
adoption of those methods or techniques. In the way, it helped the researcher
to assemble and compile the dispersed data in a systematic way for addressing
the problem under consideration. Therefore, the coming section is describing
the whole plan, based on techniques and their justifications for carrying out
this research project.
2.1.1 Research Philosophy and Research Approach
Research philosophy deals with the development of knowledge and concept. Therefore, it is the
study of collecting, analyzing and applying data to a particular phenomenon in a specific way.
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