
Academic and Research Skills : PDF


Added on  2020-12-10

13 Pages3511 Words403 Views
Professional Development
Academic and
Research Skills
Academic and Research Skills : PDF_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................2
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................6
Academic and Research Skills : PDF_2

Academic skills are an approach which applied for learning and generally critical to
success in schools. It insists with an ability to find information, critically read and evaluate it
from various sources, i.e. primary and secondary. Whereas research skills refer an ability to
design, apply and disseminate research by applying various theories and tactics. Both skills
support students through advance their competence and confidence level while performing any
task or activity (Allen, Donham and Bernhardt, 2011). The present project is going to be
described strength and weaknesses of an individual and based on same SMART objectives are
made up. Furthermore, PDP will also developed to attain these objectives.
Self-learning plays a vital role in individuals' life which help them to accomplish all work
and assigned tasks effectively. While making any learning plan it is essential for people to
determine their strength and weaknesses thus to improve them as per the time passes. In this
relation, preparing a personal and professional development plan them people to grab better
future opportunities and take imperative decisions related with improving career growth and gain
quality of life. With this assistance, we can meet our aims and targets in a certain time frame. All
this can be done through conducting a subject research, collecting information and interpret the
same to know my skills and competencies. Below is given some of my own strength and
weakness -
Strength Weaknesses
As an extrovert person by nature, strong inter-
personal skills is one of my major strength
which helps me to communicate and interact
with others. These kinds support people to get
various opportunities in career. In addition,
effective communication skills also help me to
communicate with my friends or colleagues
thus work can be done in appropriate manner.
Although, inter personal skills encompasses
with leadership, management, empathy,
My major weakness is I am not as a good in
academic English language skills which
impacts negatively on my research and note
taking abilities. I does not have good research
skills which can affect my future studies.
Having less command upon this skill
sometimes I get failed to address the problems.
This also put an adverse impact on my
personality as well as de cisions which I have
been taken in past.
Academic and Research Skills : PDF_3

articulate, attentiveness, collaborate etc.
(Beckman, 2011).
I always remain flexible towards any situation
which supports me to take instant decision and
do work in proper manner. With this skill, I
can focus on each area of study and take
necessary actions.
Another strength is I does not believe in
rumours or gossip; it helps me to get more
practical knowledge about environment and be
realistic. This skill helps me to be ambitious
and optimistic to attain my career aims and
Due to my poor problem-solving skills, I
cannot identify solutions of given statements.
Through which I cannot attain my career goals
and objectives. On the other hand, my
emotional nature is also my biggest weakness
which may break concentration level towards
SMART objectives links with four dimensions -
S – Specific (or Significant).
M – Measurable (or Meaningful).
A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented).
R – Relevant (or Rewarding).
T – Time-bound (or Trackable).
Following is given SMART objectives of an individual, such as -
To improve academic English language skills within 6 months.
To enhance research skill within 8 months.
To improve problem solving skill in 7 months.
Enhance abilities to get a straight forward nature within 4 months.
Note taking
Note taking is a practice of writing down pieces of information in appropriate manner.
This is necessary skills for students which helps them to take notes and integrate information
from numerous sources. Although, taking notes and reviewing them later positively affects
individuals; learning and success. Research shows that students who take notes remember more
Academic and Research Skills : PDF_4

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