
ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct


Added on  2021-04-24

9 Pages2477 Words223 Views
Running head: ETHICAL THEORIES RELATED TO ACMEthical theories related to ACMName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
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1ETHICAL THEORIES RELATED TO ACMThe technical and communication industry is gaining mass over the recent times.Starting from commercial to government industries, from professional to personal lives, therole of computers and the computing machineries has proven to be a necessity in the recenttimes. However, it requires the personal discretion of a human mind and ethics that thesetechnicalities are used up to its correct utilities other than causing direct or indirect harm toothers (Vitak, Shilton and Ashktorab 2016). It is essential that personal space or data isunharmed and kept private according to consensual ethics. Although, there are examples ofethical issues that requires a vivid range of human action and judgement like intervening intopersonal space with the use of computers by hacking (Chien 2017). This report would thusdiscuss the ethical theories related to the Association for Computer Machinery and thecomparison with the theories. The report would further include the professional codes ofethics, the theories, and the codes of ethics that are relatable with each other.The ethical theories found in the Association for Computer Machinery or ACM arephilosophical approaches in the technical world for doing the right thing; what complies withthe morals of a human being (Davis, 2014). The ethical theories in ACM are listed as below:Deontology: This theory states that people take up ethical work because of theirsubconscious sense of doing the right thing, however, staying true to ethics is tough given thecourse of work, as it may be possible that due to situational demands unethical works areconducted to result into an ethical outcome.Utilitarianism: This theory gives the idea that sense of fairness is beneficial at theinception of any task in ACM. However, adhering to it might cause difficulty to progress.Prospering in a task according to this theory may be asynchronous to the human virtue atfirst.
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2ETHICAL THEORIES RELATED TO ACMVirtue Ethics: According to this theory, the human virtue may inspire people in doingthe right thing however; in the professional world, the right outcomes do not necessarily gainattention.Consequentialism: Consequentialism theory states that the virtue of an act ismeasured on the scale of right or wrong depending on the state of affairs. Contractualism: This is a theory that obviates the other theories of moral ethics. Itstates that the sense of right or wrong is induced due to the societal norms even if it seemsimplied or instinctive.Ethical Rights: As per the Ethical theories of software professional rights, anyprofessional can report to the higher authorities about any unethical work being done in theorganization or within his or her knowledge even if it involves reporting about hissupervisors.Relativism: The Ethical theory of relativism requires that software professionals bemorally correct and true to their own conscience. A major responsibility of softwareprofessionals is to assess all the judgements taken only for the support of human values.Objectivism: However, in the other Ethical theory of objectivism for a softwareprofessional, it is stated that software professionals must abide by their own moral values andperform any task accordingly that delivers happiness to their own soul. This theory has amuch more philosophical approach amongst the theories of ethical values in ACM.Every theory in this regard is somewhat similar to each other as all of them focuses onthe fact that whether a decision taken could be termed as an ethical one or an unethical one.The concept of consequentialism is what we witness in our daily lives because of any action(Braude and Bernstein 2016). For instance, the effect any phony news has on a human mind
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