
Activity worksheet | Social Stratification and Reference Groups


Added on  2022-08-18

7 Pages3467 Words33 Views
Activity worksheet 4Social stratification
(Word count: 227)
This activity assumes you have read Chapters 4 of the textbook, and been through the
online lecture. Are your group members prepared?
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Define the key concepts associated with this topic. Make sure your definition is correctly
referenced (Harvard):
The key concept of the segments includes factors like the ones of social stratification,
which has been defined as a process where the different members of a society are
classified into several groups on the basis of their status. The concept of the societal rank
hints towards the ranking that has been ascribed to an individual by different members
from the same society (Grusky 2019). This in term gives rise to the class system prevalent
in the society as a matter of fact. The distinction of the society is based on certain factors
that brings the members under certain hierarchy. The different aspects of the societal
classes are the hierarchical classes along with the homogenous, dynamic and multi-
dimensional structure. The criteria’s of the order includes aspects of the order,
exclusivity, influential and the bounded nature (Bertaux and Thompson 2017).
How does this activity link to the topic? This linking statement might indicate how the activity
enables learning about specific aspects of the topic, or the application of the theory
The activity aims towards evaluating the understanding the factors of socia class and the
hierarchies created as such. The contribution of the activities therefore links the
disparaties created as a result of social gratification.
Go to:
Each group member should complete the survey to see ‘where you fit in’.
Read the information relating to the profiles.
Discuss your consumption patterns (e.g. what products or services would you purchase
on a regularly and what occasionally)
What are the similarities/differences with different (or same) profiles?
As per the report, I have been placed to the strata of being a middle who stands middle
of the five classes of the society. The terms that define, my status includes factors like
the ones of social, asset, educational and intergenerational. These are the factors that
distinguish me from the members of the group.
How could a marketer make use of this information? [Hint: You may find the
associated report a useful resource]
Such markers are of importance to the marketers in order to determine the class of the
customers become a determinant of the class of the people belonging to the society
(Hyman 2017). The societal structures belong to certain groups present within the society
as such the social culture can be considered as a subculture where the groups are
structured according to the hierarchy that is present within the group. Such common
ness in the group connects them to the values and the lifestyle they belong from. Such
information about the customer allows the marketer to develop their knowledge in
accordance to the cultural and the societal values that have been accumulated from the
Activity worksheet | Social Stratification and Reference Groups_1

same. The influence of the particular reference group is directed from the social class
towards the reference groups in concern (Hayakawa and Venieris 2016).
Compare this method of social class allocation with what you have learned
about social class determination so far
The social class allocation is similar to the determination of the similar social class that is
prevalent in the society. The social class has been allocated keeping in mind different
aspects that differs the members from one another. The allocation of the social class is
based on the generalizations prevalent in the society, which includes factors like the
ones of the lifestyle, allocation of the resources being predicted by the inhabitants of the
society (Kerckhoff 2018). The consumption of the goods are being made to in order to
exhibit their competence to the society they belong from. The services and the goods are
also being procured in order to assist the members of the society in developing the
standings of the society. The factors determining the social class of an individual are the
ones of the economic variables and political ideologies along with the interaction that
proves to be a crucial part of the interaction (Saunders 2006). Economic variable is guided
by the factors of occupation, wealth and income while the interaction is formulated by
the association of the person along with factors of socialization and the standards that
the person enjoys in the society. As the report included a consciousness about the class
identity it is evident from the discussion that is linked to the power that the individual
enjoys and the mobility that they have (. Marsh 2018)
What are your conclusions about the relevance of social class in Australian
society and consumer behaviour?
The idea of social class is highly influential I mappinhg the buying behavio4r of the
customers to a larger extent. The social classes are the products of the social culture and
as such influences the
Activity worksheet 5Reference groups
(Word count: 699)
This activity assumes you have read Chapters 5 and 6 and completed the online lecture.
Are your group members prepared?
List of collaborators:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Define the key concepts associated with this topic. Make sure your definition is correctly
referenced (Harvard):
The key concept of the topic begins with a discussion on the concept of the group
defining it as the collection of one or more than one individual brought together by
shared values along with shared beliefs and norms that connect them together in a
conjoint identity. Their relationship with the group makes their behaviour dependant
largely on the attribute of the group. However, the concept of the reference group is a bit
different as it discusses the implication of a concrete group ideology, based on which
certain individuals sought to formulate the course of their actions (Antinyan 2016). As
such, the individual groups can be divided on the basis of the roles they play in the
groups. The marketing practices have been defined on the basis of the role theory. The
topic also includes discussion on opinion of a leader who filters the information received
and transfers it to others belonging to the group (Fernandes and Panda 2018.). There are
seeker and receiver of the opinion. Such leadership occurs in the situation where the
exchange of the information. The occupation of such leaders is invested their ability to
provide better information about specific. The leaders has information in case of any
such dissatisfaction occurs in the attribute of the customers. The discussion involve the
household where the same has been divided into the aspect of the family as well as that
of the non-family (Ahmad 2019).
Activity worksheet | Social Stratification and Reference Groups_2

How does this activity link to the topic? This linking statement might indicate how the activity
enables learning about specific aspects of the topic, or the application of the theory
The activity has been shaped to enhance the understanding of the influence of the reference group
segregating the influences on the basis of several structures concerned as such it allows one to identify the
issues in the scenarios provided that are similar to the real life ones.
1. Complete the table below.
Situation Influence type (Normative / Value-
Expressive / Informational)?
While at summer camp, Rachel notices that all
the members of an older "clique" that she
admires eat granola bars at snack time. When
she's back home again, she asks her mum to buy
her some granola bars.
Ken sees a commercial in which a professional
nutritionist explains the positive results of an
adequate intake of vitamin E. Ken adds vitamin E
to the list of nutritional supplements that he
already takes.
Pat's friends tease him about the old watch he's
been wearing since high s chool. He decides it's
finally time to buy a new watch.
Sheila is heading into her mid-life and decides
that she needs to get more exercise. She joins
a local netball competition. During the first
few games, she notices that the player who has
been with the team the longest wears ASIC
Gels. When she goes to buy her own sports
shoe, she chooses the same brand.
Jason's favourite professional soccer player
becomes a celebrity spokesperson for a specific
brand of weed killer. Jason switches to that
brand of weed killer.
Two coworkers comment to Jane that they really
like the type of jeans she is wearing and ask her
where she purchased them. The next time Jane
needs jeans, she looks for the same brand.
Identification, informational
Activity worksheet | Social Stratification and Reference Groups_3

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